Virtual Reality Seats The Future of Spectating Team Challenger
Bringing you closer to the action VR SPECTATING Bringing you closer to the action with virtual reality Increase viewership, revenue, and appeal of sports to the next generation Extend technology into various sport disciplines, but start with soccer, cricket, basketball, hockey, tennis Franz 2016 | HKUST MBA Team Challenger
CONNECT Find other like-minded fans within your group of friends SOCIAL CONNECT Find other like-minded fans within your group of friends Franz 2016 | HKUST MBA Team Challenger
$ $ $ IMPLEMENTATION DC Traditional RHB VR Division DC VR Capable RHB VR Services Franz 2016 | HKUST MBA Team Challenger
Implementation / Engagement Immersing the world in a thrilling stadium atmosphere IMPLEMENTATION PHASE 2 Implementation / Engagement PHASE 3 Adoption PHASE 1 Trial and Feedback Franz 2016 | HKUST MBA Team Challenger
Phase 1 TRIAL Partnership with VR technology firms IMPLEMENTATION Phase 1 TRIAL 1 Partnership with VR technology firms Set up VR center at Olympic venues Create a VR prize draw for worldwide audiences Mitigate risk for all stakeholders as VR is still in early stages Analyze customer usage and survey data, develop pricing and licensing strategy 2 Franz 2016 | HKUST MBA Team Challenger
& Phase 2 Phase 3 ENGAGEMENT ADOPTION VR Seat Ticketing IMPLEMENTATION Phase 2 Phase 3 ENGAGEMENT ADOPTION VR Seat Ticketing Tiered pricing Extend VR Seating to other popular sports hockey, volleyball, tennis 1 Extend VR Seats to all sports Trial and adopt additional VR services i.e. VR party rooms 1 2 2 Franz 2016 | HKUST MBA Team Challenger
THE FUTURE VR integrated into the entire sports experience from training, social to playing Franz 2016 | HKUST MBA Team Challenger
QUESTIONS? Thank you Franz 2016 | HKUST MBA Team Challenger