Total Synthesis of (+)-Fastigiatine Gretchen Peters February 10, 2011
Shair Research Group Total synthesis and chemical biology Focus of syntheses: “naturally occurring complex molecules that challenge the state- of-the-art of organic synthesis” Complexes that are unique structurally and biologically
Lycopodium alkaloids Found in plants (clubmosses) (-)-himeradine A lycodine (+)-fastigiatine Found in plants (clubmosses) Members have been found to have cardiovascular and neuromuscular effects Used for homeopathic remedies
Retrosynthesis 1,4 Addition Mannich Condensation
Protection 2 1
Cuperate Addition 2 3
Alkylation, Decarboxylation 4 3 5
Addition of Li-enolate 5 7 6
Intramolecular Aza-Wittig 6 7
Reactive Amine Wanted to remove protecting group and induce addition Free amine too reactive Added on to a,b unsaturated ketone to form five-membered ring 7
Acid catalyzed cyclization 7 8 9
Mannich Reaction 9 10
Conclusions First synthesis of (+)-fastigiatine 15 step synthesis with 30% overall yield
Acknowledgements Chem 647 classmates Dr. Davis