Lesson 1 - Part B: Re-Capping The Play LO: To explore a range of quotations from Hamlet and link them to statements for Part B
This task will make revision resources for you to use…so do it well! Team Carousel! In pairs, you will each be given either a character or a theme from the lists below. You have until the end of each song to add as many quotes as you can that link to your character / theme to each act. The Futility of Life Hamlet & Horatio Fate & Religion Gertrude & Ophelia Morality Polonius & Claudius Vengeance King Hamlet (Ghost) Parent – child Laertes & Fortinbras Perception vs. Reality Rosencrantz & Women Guildenstern Madness The Gravedigger ‘Thematic’ Songs: https://youtu.be/vNoKguSdy4Y?t=2m3s – Trouble (Taylor Swift) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Qp5vcuMIlk – Castle on the Hill (Ed Sheeran) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tbm-XMSTK2A – Feeling Good (Muse) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3wKzyIN1yk – Human (Rag N Bone man) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZeJHu6Vsxo – Mad World (Remix) This task will make revision resources for you to use…so do it well!
In your teams…you know the drill! Each of you will need a different sound effect for your team: As each exam question appears, be prepared to explain how you could use your quotes from the play to help you tackle the exam question. I will award points based on the first points made and also the most interesting…I require a different speaker each time.
Question 1 ‘A play in which revenge is always in excess of justice’ How far do you agree with this view of Hamlet?
Question 2 ‘The tragic ending of the play is caused by the passivity of its characters’ How far do you agree with this view of Hamlet?
Question 3 ‘Hamlet is pure, noble and most honest in nature.’ In light of this view, explore how far you agree with this presentation of Hamlet.
Question 4 ‘Hamlet is a play about the corrupting and destructive effects of desire’ In light of your understanding of the play, how far do you agree with this view?
Question 5 ‘The men in Hamlet sacrifice the bond of human friendship to social propriety’ In light of your understanding of the play, explore Shakespeare’s presentation of men in Hamlet
THE CHALLENGER! ‘Female virtue is identical with chastity’ In light of this view, discuss the presentation of women in Hamlet.
Reflection… Which question seemed most interesting to you? Why? In your team, write your line of argument! Try to limit it to around 30 words…
Lesson 2 - Part B: Critiquing LO: To explore statements for Part B in light of a range of critics through time Hamlet is a play about the corrupting and destructive effects of desire DISAGREE AGREE
Speed Dating You have been given a critic to focus on Pre-21st Century critics will move around the room; post-21st Century critics will stay sat down You will go on dates with three different critics and discuss the statement in that role Which person would you date again? Hamlet is a play about the corrupting and destructive effects of desire
Hamlet is a play about the corrupting and destructive effects of desire In light of your discussions, you should know your critic pretty well. Place your critic on the continuum line – where would they sit in response to the statement? Are they in a different position to you?
Now, in your groups, plan your line of argument. Hamlet is a play about the corrupting and destructive effects of desire Now, in your groups, plan your line of argument. How do we de-construct a statement? How do we plan?
Planning Time You will now plan your essay with the people in your group and their criticisms. You must present your essay plan to the class in the form of: - A 2 minute presentation - A role-play between student and teacher - A series of pictures
Where do you stand now in light of today’s lesson? Reflection Time… LO: To explore statements for Part B in light of a range of critics through time Hamlet is a play about the corrupting and destructive effects of desire DISAGREE AGREE Where do you stand now in light of today’s lesson?
Let’s read this model essay: where have they met your target? Lesson 3 – Writing… LO: To explore statements for Part B in light of a range of critics through time Feed Forward: What is your most recent target for Part B) from your practice pieces? Let’s read this model essay: where have they met your target? 10 minutes to read essay Rest of lesson to write!
Over To You: Part B) You have the rest of the lesson to write Remember, you have 45 minutes in the exam Use the planning work we came up with last lesson, but don’t use your notes – you just need to get the ideas down!