Agenda 08/28/17 WU: None! Welcome! Learn names! About Me HW: none
Agenda 08/29/17 HW: None! WU: None! Popsicle Sticks Get to know me. Rules, Policies, Procedures, Overview of Curriculum, and share personal info. HW: None!
About Me Where did I go to College? Baylor! How old am ? I am 48 years old.
About Me Taught for 19 years – 8 at Hobby, 4 at Bush, & 7 here at Lopez Birthday: October 25th! Write in agenda! Don’t forget! ;)
About Me Married for 26 years to Coach Walls at Bush MS We have 1 son- anybody know his initials? Braden is an 8th grader here at Lopez MS Mom lives in Richardson where I grew up My younger brother lives in Plano area with wife and two kids. My Dad passed away back in 2008.
Classroom Procedures Strict, structured- Popsicle sticks Grading policy Do hw when assigned Late work policy, test correction policy Where do you turn things in?
SS Classroom Procedures When and how do you take care of trash? 3 subject spiral for my room Supplies- bring them, use appropriately My supplies Code word Noise levels
My Personality and Expectations Sarcastic You dictate Talk to my former students HIGH expectations- behaviorally and academically
Questions? Music? Contemporary Christian like Chris Tomlin, Casting Crowns, Mercy Me, Third Day Movie? Dead Poets Society, Blind Side, 42, God’s Not Dead TV shows? NCIS, NCIS LA, NCIS NO, Big Bang Theory, Burn Notice, Hawaii 5-0, Girl Meets World Food- Chris Madrid’s, Red Robin, Clear Springs. I love barbecue like Ribs, brisket, cream corn, etc. Birth date: October 25th!
Sports fanatic! Love football, basketball, and baseball. I enjoy hockey, but it is better in person. Favorite teams- College sports- Baylor and whoever plays ut and the ags, Baseball: Braves, Red Sox, Cardinals, Royals Pro football: Cowboys, Basketball: Spurs, Silver Stars Hockey: Dallas Stars & St. Louis Blues I have been a Baylor football season ticket holder for over twenty years!
Agenda 08/30/17 WU: Describe your most recent fight. When was it? What was it about? Who were you fighting with? Was it a physical or verbal fight? CW# 1-1: Interpreting Events: Lunchroom Fight HW: none
Lunchroom Fight
Lunchroom Fight! Imagine that you are the principal of a school and you just found out that there was a fight in the lunchroom during lunch. You’ve asked many students and teachers who witnessed the fight to write down what they saw and who they think started the fight. Unfortunately, you have received many conflicting accounts that disagree not only as to who started the fight, but also as to who was involved and when the fight even started. It’s important to remember that NO ONE is just plain lying.
Lunchroom Fight! Assignment: In groups answer the questions on your handout.
Lunchroom Fight! Things to consider… Why might people see or remember things differently?
Lunchroom Fight! Things to consider… Who has an interest in one kid getting in trouble instead of another kid? Could where someone was standing impact their point of view? Could they see the whole event? Could these things impact how people see or remember the same event?
Lunchroom Fight! Things to consider… The plausibility (believability) of the stories themselves (e.g., issues of exaggeration and how the stories fit into what is known about the students’ prior histories). Is the story believable, trustworthy? Is the source believable, trustworthy? Time: Do stories change over time? How might what we remember right after the event differ from what we remember a week later? Does time make the way someone remembers something more or less trustworthy?
Lunchroom Fight! Physical Evidence: What kinds of physical evidence might have an effect on what you believe? (bruises, missing objects, etc.)
Lunchroom Fight! Conclusion… How events are interpreted, remembered, explained, and judged to be trustworthy all impact and apply to how history is recorded and remembered. Studying history involves considering people’s perspectives and biases; the evidence; and the trustworthiness of the source. Similar to the principal, historians try to figure out what happened in the past. Our goal this year is to analyze and think like historians!
Agenda 08/31/17 WU: How could you use this map to have your friends meet you at the park? Geography Aerobics Notes # 1-1: Geography Tools HW: None!
How could you use this map to have your friends meet you at the park? You could probably use the landmarks and landscape to help your friends find your meeting place. For example, you might tell them to meet you at the red slide, or in front of the bandstand, or by the pond. BUT WHAT IF……..
What if the place looked like this? How would your friends find you in a place like this? If it continues to snow, there wont be many landmarks to use to help .
N#1-1: Geography Tools How do geographers show information on a map?
We need to learn how to read a Map!
LAtitude forms a LAdder up the map—get it??? Title Compass Rose Longitude Latitude Scale LAtitude forms a LAdder up the map—get it??? Legend
What is location? Where a place is located in Space What is Absolute Location? The exact spot on earth where a place can be found. What is San Antonio’s absolute location? What is Relative Location? The location of one place in relation to other places
Cardinal Directions North West East South
Ordinal or Intermediate Directions
Show Me Work Use the screen in our room as north, I want you to lay your pencil on your desk and point it north, then south, then east, then west. What do we call these four directions? Cardinal directions
Show Me Work Next, lay your pencil on your desk and point it southeast, southwest, northeast, and northwest. What do we call these four directions? Intermediate or Ordinal directions What map component indicates direction? The compass rose
Which country is Northwest of India? If you were in Karachi, what direction would you travel to get to Kathmandu? What direction would you travel to get to Sri Lanka from New Delhi? Which countries are west of Nepal?
What is a Map Scale? It shows the relationship between a unit of measure on a map (like an inch or centimeter) and the actual distance in the real world.
What is a hemisphere? A term indicating half of the globe.
How many oceans and continents are there? Some people say there are four oceans, but now most geographers think there are five oceans- Arctic, Atlantic, Indian, Pacific, and the Southern Ocean. Much of the world talks about five continents- Africa, the Americas, Antarctica, Australia, and Eurasia, but in the U.S. we refer to seven continents- Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North and South America.
Asia Africa Antarctica Arctic Ocean North Europe America Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean Africa Indian Ocean South America Atlantic Ocean Australia Antarctica
Agenda 09/01/17 WU: List two tools geographers use to communicate information on a map. Geography Aerobics Finish N# 1-1: Geography Tools HW: HW# 1-1: Geography Tools Reading Packet (online) and questions (due Monday, 9-11)
Use the coordinates 45° N latitude and 105° W longitude
They use different scales
Agenda 09/01/17 WU: Do you have your composition notebook for Leader in Me? Hazing Video Hazing Test Pink Grade level and Personal Goal sheets