Pathway Subject: VCE Dance & VET Dance YEAR 10 DAnce Pathway Subject: VCE Dance & VET Dance
Course Outline Assessment This course focuses on the key elements of Dance by participating in regular technique classes and theory based classes. In this class you will look at different dance styles and technique. You will develop skills in choreography and learn terminology words to help you analysis dance at a VCE level. Assessment Written assignment on a particular choreographer 400 words (/40) Oral presentation with a partner on a particular dance style/era 5 min (/40) Create a technical dance piece in small groups (/50) As a class learn and perform a group dance work (/50) As a class co-create a group dance work (/50) Terminology Test (/30)
Topics Covered Choreography - Choreography-individual and groups - Improvisation - movement creation process Technique - Dance technique in different styles including jazz, contemporary and ballet -Safe dance and alignment Dance terminology used in VCE - Body actions, physical skills, movement creation process. Dance on film