Beverley Fielding Dr Alison Felce University of Wolverhampton
Project Title Wolverhampton Infrastructure for Business and Community Engagement (Wi4BCE) JISC Transformations JISC – Joint Information Systems Committee
Project Aim Enhanced Organisational Capability for Business and Community Engagement with the focus on Work-based Learning Review, evaluate and use existing JISC resources THE AIM - To create the organisational environment in which staff can identify and develop business and community engagement opportunities. JISC has asked that we utilise relevant existing resources that have been created so they’re not just sitting in a corner gathering dust.
Progress Overview Search and review JISC resources Stakeholder interviews conducted Explain how we identified stakeholders to interview by questions asked by Peter during our first meeting Interview questions set by using JISC case studies from similar projects carried out by other institutions Speak about the summary table and how it identifies resources we have used and not used but how they could be useful for elsewhere around the University or for future projects
Barriers Getting staff to commit to an interview Feedback concentrated mainly on the negative, rather than the positive, aspects of work-based learning 24 Interview 1 external 17 internal staff Interviews were useful in that they raised the problems that needed to be dealt with and after all the project is about what needs to be changed. Stakeholders had to be prompted on what was going well for them
Issues to address Communication Systems & Processes Strategy & Governance Project aligns to University Strategies Governance in terms of a top down/bottom up approach to enable the project to be achieved STRATEGY - In particular the EMPLOYABILTY & ENTERPRISE Strategy, RESEARCH Strategy and LEARNING AND TEACHING Strategy and the STUDENT EXPERIENCE Strategy GOVERNANCE – We need to make sure the governance is in place for the aims of the project to be supported and achieved
Planned Actions Communication & Engagement Strategy and Plan Develop and improve systems and processes Align our project with other initiatives SOME OF THE INITIATIVE WILL BE SHOWN ON THE NEXT SLIDE
Our project is informed by and informing related these activities Also have to be mindful of the Learning and Teaching Strategy, Student Experience Strategy and the Research Strategy Speak about the SUMMARY TABLE and sharing of the relevant resources identified to the assist with the AIMS
Expected Outcomes An infrastructure that supports the broader development of the organisation to offer a range of work-based learning opportunities Strategic approach and response to identification, negotiation and provision of work-based learning curricula
Our use of the WBL Toolkit Our focus…… Strategic level Systems, protocols, resources Setting agendas for the University Action plans Targets/deadlines FOCUS – is strategic level, one of the outcomes mention already enhanced capability Primarily we are using the first section 1 Institutional Readiness: WBL strategy and plans. Other sections will be utilised when we have the relevant infrastructure in place to allow us to concentrate on the other areas
Audit What do we currently do? What do we want to do? What is the gap? How do we fill the gap? Toolkit helped identify the gap between where we want to be and where we are. Helped us ask the relevant questions of ourselves and our systems and processes
WBL Toolkit Feedback Primary resource Useful guidelines and evidence to enable the University to measure its “readiness” for WBL Easy to follow format Potentially, too much information
Thank you for listening…. Any Questions?