Evaluating performance management process; a study on privet commercial bank of Bangladesh
OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY Boosting the Performance of the employees by encouraging employee empowerment, motivation and know about how banks use this performance management process. To identify the Barriers to Effective Performance and resolving those barriers through constant monitoring &coaching .To recommend necessary steps to overcome such limitations.
METHODOLOGY Primary sources: Direct interviews Secondary Sources: Expert opinion, Website Secondary data have been used more than primary data. Qualitative information from other literature regarding the various divisions and their functions, operations were used. So, only secondary data were utilized.
PMS A General Idea about Performance Management System Performance Management is both strategic and an integrated approach for delivering successful results in organizations by improving the performance and developing the capabilities of teams and individuals.
Components of Performance Management System 1. Performance Planning 2. Performance Appraisals & Reviewing 3. Feedback 4. Rewarding good performance 5. Performance Improvement Plans 6. Potential Appraisal Performance this Management System should be aligned with the MBO (Management by Objective)Organizations should set goals and objectives through a formal process known as Management by Objectives.
performance management system in Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd. the top level management of Al-Arafah Bank Ltd can improve the Productivity by adopting a Proper Performance Management System The management of Al-Arafah believes that there is a direct link between the proper performance management system & the improvement of both Employees & the Organization. So the supervisors always monitor the subordinates’ activities. Employees always try to give best effort.
Continue After completion of the work the supervisors give them feedback. If the Employees work well they will get reward. This reward encourages them to improve their quality of performance. Thus the productivity of the employees as well as the productivity of organization is improved.
Factors of a Proper PMS to improve the Productivity 1. Introducing an Effective PAS 2. Motivation and Satisfaction 3. Training and Development 4. Recruitment and Induction 5. Employee Evaluation 6. Reward Issues 7. Appraisal Pressure
Performance Appraisal System (PAS) of Al-Arafah Performance appraisal system (PAS) is the tool for measuring the performance of an individual and identifies the gaps and plan future development in order to enable a better performance between the jobs and the incumbent. Performance appraisal system is quite structured that it can measure of assess both goal (What) and the management competencies (How). Appraisal needs to be implemented as per PAS format which will be circulated by HR at the beginning of the year.
. Performance Appraisal Policy of Al-Arafah Al-Arafah conducts its performance appraisal annually and in the process review progress quarterly for correction of directions for enabling an individual to achieve his / her objectives. On the whole, the objective is to shape outstanding performance in a competitive way to ensure sustainable profitable growth in business. The appraisal system of AB Bank takes care of the following: • Business performance(on the job accomplishment in terms of a work plan/targets/expectation ) • Skill & knowledge • Behavioral competencies ( leadership ) • Individual development plan
FINDINGS OF THE STUDY The most common types of the Performance Management employed in the Al-Arafah are the Rating Scale and the Management by Objectives In the Al-Arafah the performance of the employees is evaluated quarterly by the line mangers. Here Feedback is given instantly also. In the Al-Arafah all the employees can see their own Performance Appraisals result & it is kept restricted to others also
Continue Al-Arafah organizes various Training Programs for the improvement of the employees. Al-Arafah always offers an attractive compensation & Reward System. Here employees are asked to complete a self- assessment before the feedback session and managers are the only source used to rate the employees. Here 360 degree feedback is rarely used Maximum employee of Al-Arafah use performance appraisal information for salary administration, promotions and recognition only. None of them mentioned the functions of the development approach.
RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE STUDY The managers should be trained for doing performance evaluation successfully Management expectations should be realistic. The appraisal process must be viewed as a continuous activity rather than a one-a- year event. Employees should be made aware of his or her performance periodically throughout the year.
Continue Performance expectations and developmental targets and activities should be set through mutual agreement with employees. A 360 degree feedback should be introduced During the feedback session, the appraiser should make sure that the employee has the resources required to do his job.
CONCLUSION principal purpose of Performance Management System should be to improve the employee and the organizational performance. The system must be based on a deep regard for people and recognize that employees are the most important resource. The system should first of all contribute to the satisfaction of all the employees. This tenet will require a continuous effort in counseling, coaching and honest, open communications between the employee and supervisors.