PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL It refers to all the formal procedures used to evaluate the personalities, contributions and potential of group members PURPOSES OF APPRAISAL 1. It serves as a basis for job change or promotion 2. It guides training and development programmes 3. It provides the rational foundation for the compensation
CRITERIA FOR PERFORMANCE APPARAISAL Performance criteria for operatives Quantity and Quality of output Work sample tests Length of service Amount of training necessary Ratings by supervisors No. of accidents No. of absents
CRITERIA FOR PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL Performance criteria for front-line supervisors Quantity and Quality of output Labour cost per unit of output Material cost per unit Total cost per unit Absentees rate Turnover rate Manshift lost No. of accidents
CRITERIA FOR PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL Performance criteria for middle level managers Quantity and Quality of output Work sample tests Length of service Amount of training necessary Ratings by supervisors No. of accidents No. of absents Rational use of overhead facilities Co-ordination among supervisors Degree of knowledge among supervisors
CRITERIA FOR PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL Performance criteria for top managers Return on capital Labour productivity indices Contribution of socio-cultural values
WHO CAN BE THE APPRAISER? FREQUENCY OF APPRAISALS WHO CAN BE THE APPRAISER? Summative – summery of achievements Formative – events ongoing and daily basis Immediate manager High-level managers Personnel dept. specialists Employee’s peers Service users Employees’ subordinates
PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL METHODS 360 DEGREE APPRAISALS PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL METHODS People all around on employees do the appraisal Ranking method Rating scale method Checklist method Forced-choice method Field review Critical incident technique Confidential report Essay appraisal
APPRAISAL OF MANAGEMENT POST-APPRAISAL INTERVIEW APPRAISAL OF MANAGEMENT Tell and sell Tell and listen Problem solving interview Factors affecting managerial performance Environmental constraints Organizational leadership Inter-dependance of sub-systems Orgaisational structure Management by objectives
PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL IN INDIAN INDUSTRIES ESSENTIAL OF A GOOD APPRAISAL SYSTEM PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL IN INDIAN INDUSTRIES Easily understandable system Support of all Databased Indicative of performance Open and and participative Guide and counsel