Rhetorical Analysis Essays English 4, honors Rhetorical Analysis Essays
Composing a Rhetorical Analysis Essay Purpose: A rhetorical analysis essay analyzes how well the components of an argument work together to persuade or move an audience Arguments can take many forms (e.g. advertisements, editorials, political cartoons, movies, photographs, speeches, essays)
Major Questions to Consider when Analyzing Rhetoric What is the purpose of the argument? (major focus of the essay) Who is the audience for this argument? What appeals or techniques does the argument use? (ethos, pathos, logos) Who is the speaker? What ethos does the speaker present? What values does the speaker present? How does the speaker establish his/her credibility with the audience? What authorities does the speaker rely on or appeal to? (e.g. historical documents, factual information, Bible)
Major Questions cont. What claims are advanced in the argument? What issues are raised? What are the contexts – social, political, historical, cultural – for this argument? Whose interests does it serve? Who gains or loses by it? How does the language or style of the argument work to persuade or move the audience?
Examining Arguments Based on Pathos In analyzing emotional appeals, judge whether the emotions raised – anger, sympathy, fear, envy, joy, or love advance the claims offered and if so, how/why
Examining Arguments Based on Ethos Readers believe writers/speakers who seem honest, wise, trustworthy, authoritative, and/or knowlegeable Look for evidence of these traits. Does the writer have the experience or authority to write on this subject? Are all claims qualified reasonably? Is evidence presented thoroughly? Are counterarguments addressed?
Examining Arguments Based on Logos In analyzing arguments, judge whether an argument makes a plausible claim and offers good reasons to believe the argument. Look for good reasons and reliable evidence.
Looking at Style Readers naturally judge the credibility of arguments in part by how stylishly the case is made Stylistic/Structural Devices/Strategies to Consider: Diction, Imagery, Figurative Language, Hyperbole, Allusion, Sound Effects (e.g. anaphora, alliteration, parallelism), which all impact the appeals to ethos, pathos, logos Irony (most importantly verbal irony)
Specific Qualities of the Essay Clear focus Well-developed, specific, elaborate discussion of the appeals and strategies used effectively by the speaker/writer to persuade/move the intended audience Intelligent commentary, commentary, commentary Logical organization Coherent structure linked together with transitions Thoughtful, provoking conclusion Flawless proofreading Power Verbs Sentence Variety Accurate discussion of tone Elegant Integration of quotations and proper documentation