Blood borne Pathogens Chapter 4
Blood borne pathogens are pathogenic microorganisms that can potentially cause disease and are present in human blood and other body fluids, including semen, vaginal secretions, cerebrospinal fluid, synovial fluid, and any other fluid contaminated with blood.
The two most significant bloodborne pathogens are HBV (Hepatitis B) and HIV. Other bloodborne diseases: Hepatitis A - Hepatitis D Hepatitis C - Syphilis HBV has a higher possibility for spread than HIV.
Hepatitis B Virus A major cause of viral infection; it results in swelling, soreness, and loss of normal function in the liver. Signs and Symptoms: Flulike Fatigue - Headache Weakness - Fever Nausea - Possible Abdominal pain Jaundice
Prevention Good personal hygiene Avoiding high-risk activities Hepatitis B virus can survive for at least one week in dried blood or on contaminated surfaces and may be transmitted through contact with these surfaces. Caution must be taken.
Management Vaccination against HBV must be made available be the employer at no cost to any individual who may be exposed to blood or other body fluids and may thus be at risk of contracting HBV. Follow Policy and Procedures for any and all blood exposure.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus HIV is a retrovirus that combines with a host cell. Retrovirus: a virus that enters a host cell and changes its RNA to a proviral DNA replica. A number of cells in the immune system may be infected.
HIV Signs and Symptoms Fatigue - Night Sweats Weight Loss - Fever Muscle or joint pain Painful/Swollen Glands Antibodies to HIV can be detected in a blood test w/in 1 year after exposure.
Management Good personal hygiene Avoiding high-risk activities Follow Policy and Procedures for any and all blood exposure. Unlike HBV, there is no vaccine for HIV.
HIV Risk Reduction Avoid contact with others’ bodily fluid, feces and semen when possible When not possible, use proper universal precautions as set by OSHA Avoid sharing needles Get regular tests for transmittable diseases when contact has been made
Risk Categories for HIV Transmission in Sports Highest Risk: boxing martial arts wrestling rugby
Risk Categories for HIV Transmission in Sports Moderate Risk: basketball, field hockey, football, ice hockey, soccer, team handball
Lower Risk: archery, badminton,. baseball, bowling, canoeing Lower Risk: archery, badminton, baseball, bowling, canoeing /kayaking, cycling, diving, equestrianism, fencing, skating, gymnastics, racquetball, rowing, shooting, softball, skiing, swimming, tennis, volleyball, water polo, weight lifting
Glove Use and Removal Avoid touching personal items when wearing contaminated gloves Remove first glove and turn inside out, beginning at wrist to peel off without touching skin Remove second glove, making sure not to touch ungloved hand to soiled surface Discard gloves that have been used, discolored, torn or punctured Wash hands immediately after glove removal