YAY16 2016 is The Year of Arts & Young People in Birmingham and will see the city’s arts organisations working together to co-ordinate and communicate a cultural offer to children and young people which supports the new, collective Creative Future strategic pledges. Throughout 2016, the city aims to engage more young people in a range of accessible opportunities offered by theatres, galleries, concert halls, Arts organisations, independent companies, creative industries, schools, colleges, universities and communities.
A Creative Future All partners supporting the Year of Arts & Young People will have signed up to the City’s Cultural Strategy for Young People: Creative Future and demonstrated a commitment to giving young people aged from 0 to 25 access to high quality cultural provision through the 6 Creative Future pledges. http://birminghamculture.org/arts-young-people
How to get involved We want to get as many young people engaged in The Arts throughout 2016 as possible and to do this we need to know about the offer available throughout the city. The Culture Commissioning team are collating information on as many events/programmes/opportunities/activities for young people in 2016 as possible to be marketed as part of YAY16 These events/programmes/opportunities/activities will be shared online at www.yay16.wordpress.com
The campaign YAY16 Working Group University of Birmingham interns Website & Listings page Facebook page Social Media Vlogger YAY16 Launch Southside Producers Hundreds & Thousands High Sheriff of the West Midlands 3 x YAY16 videos You Tube BMX flash mob Break Mission Street Dance Grand Central Eyes Film/animation projections Commissioned projects Recruiting YAY16 Ambassadors
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/yaybrum Listings: www.yay16.wordpress.com Twitter: #thingstobeYAYabout #YAYBrum #YAY16 @brumculture Website and template for activity: http://birminghamculture.org/arts-young-people/2016-the-year-of-arts-young-people