Current Status in Japan relating to ExoPlanet Science H. Shibai (Osaka University, ISAS/JAXA) SPICA is expected to start its (Pre?)Phase-A. SEEDS program of Subaru was approved as a five-year program. Long-Term Plan for Astronomy in Japan is being discussed. Others & Background
1. SPICA is expected to start its (Pre?)Phase-A (PI: Takao Nakagawa, JAXA) - Mission Definition Review - Approved by JAXA (almost as proposed. 400M USD) - Largest Astronomy Program ever in Japan. - SPICA will start as a ‘Pre-project’ of JAXA - European Participation program is under its Assessment Phase of the Cosmic Vision (M Class)
2. SEEDS program of Subaru (PI: Motohide Tamura, NAOJ) - SEEDS: Strategic Exploration of Exoplanets and Disks Approved as a five-year program (Total 120 nights) - Subaru Telescope + HiCIAO + AO188 - Direct Imaging of Jovian ExoPlanets in NIR - Twenty persons participates (Including US) - Observation will start in Nov. 2008.
3. Long-term Plan of Japan - Science Council of Japan is working to make a report for the long-term plan of astronomy in Japan. (Chair: Norio Kaifu) - Nation-wide symposium on May 31 - June 1 for discussion as a bottom-up activity - Participation to world-wide projects (TMT, TPF/BDT, SKA, XEUS,,,,) as well as National projects (SOLAR-C, JASMINE, Antarctica,,,,) - Final Report will be published in the next year.
4. Others & Background Five-Year Program on Exoplanet Science (10M USD, PI: H. Tamura) will be completed with large amount of science outputs. We are preparing the next proposal in order to extend this activity in Japan. AKARI is producing new MIR/FIR point source catalogues. -> IR Excess Stars Newly found FIR Interferometer on balloon (PI: H. Shibai) will be launched in Dec. 2008. The flagship mission of Japanese Exoplanet community is still the 3m Space Telescope with Coronagraph (after SPICA). (HCST: High Contrast Space Telescope) Space-borne Medium-size programs will be investigated. (JTPF WG of ISAS/JAXA & NAOJ)