FAO Strategic Framework Dominique DiBiase Salomon Salcedo
FAO Commitments to Member States Commitments to Members collectively Strategic Framework MTP/PWB Commitments to Individual Member States 2 years First, there two types of commitments for FAO: vertical and horizontal. Vertical box represents FAO’s collective commitments to Members. →→ No matter where you are (RO, SRO, CO, LO or HQs) you are still part of the FAO. We are all bound by FAO mandates. One FAO. Horizontal box represents FAO’s commitments to individual member states. CPF and the ECP will be mainly focusing on the horizontal commitments. The individual commitments with each member should be ins synch with the global commitments. However on day 4 on CWP, we will look at the Country Programming from the corporate collective commitment lens. Please remember. National Priorities 4-5 years CPF
FAO’s Strategic Framework Global Goals Strategic Framework (10 years) Strategic Objectives Medium-Term Plan (4 years) Programme of Work and Budget (2+2 years) Organizational Results Prior to the presenting this slide: Talk about the MfR Wheel and describe it as follows: The front: briefly describe the steps as classic steps for MfR cycle. -The three layers to be representing the same processes at different levels (Organization, Team, Individual) NOT AS IMPORTANT AS THE BACK SIDE. The Back side with the SF: - define the results/describe them -Core functions & FOs -show how it’s a classic results chain: “Impact, Outcome, Outputs” The UN standard nomenclature applies. Explain briefly the strategic planning portion of the Framework - MTP 4-years = FAO commitment to Members on programmatic results measured by ORs (ORs have indicators) PWB 2 years = FAO commitment to Members with approved set budget and the programmatic results Once PWB is approved and $ and programmatic results are defined. CPF is relevant to all three levels of programmes/plans. CPF is guided by the 10-year Strategic Framework as it sets global goals and Strategic Objectives which CPF aspires to achieve in 4-5 year period. CPF is also guided by the 4-year MTP, as it defines FAO’s accountability in terms of Outcome level achievements through OR indicators. CPF is also achieved through the operationalization of the 2-year PWB, which links budget requirement with programmatic results. Important to note that CPFs will also guide the formulation of PWB, MTP and future Strategic Frameworks. ----- Meeting Notes (7/7/12 11:28) ----- Questions and answers during session: SNG: excellent presentation, but would like to explain specificiets of SNG, trust fund by Emirates. Cannot be integrated yet. Conventions signed...amount allocated to non-staff problem related to activities.... Kayan: current SO are now reduced to 5. FAO is changing and trying to adapt. FAO is fully aware, and during the regional conference this was mentioned. SNG has an agreement from UE to fund technical staff. The weakness is the actual delivery of technical work by technical officers, as there are not funds for implementation. FAO is looking at this. Maybe creating another TF to provide support. This is just an idea, coming from experience in this region. Countries are paying for the travel, etc. but also FAO needs to budget its activities for the year. SNG: this was mentioned, just to show that there is a problem to our headquarters colleagues. As this influences the mentioned integration. As the office is a TF it has different budget, and procedures. Dominique: FAO is in the process of change, since the overall evaluation of the Organization. Strategic Objectives will be certainly reduced. As we are working in an integrated budget, and no division between normative activities and the trust fund activities. Allocation of the resources will be changed, and will be proposed to the Council of FAO in November 2012. CPF (4 -5 years) CPF outcomes Organizational Outputs Work Plans Products/Services
New Strategic Framework & CPFs FAO Strategic Plan CPF Country Organizational Outcome OUTCOME Sector specific development objective S Organizational Output Output Sector specific program
Organizational Outcomes Intermediate Outcomes Main Changes from the 2010-13 framework Improved Results Framework - Overview Level of Result FAO Global Goals Impact Progress towards achieving Strategic Objectives will be measured with the help of Development Outcome indicators and SO-specific scorecards. Strategic Objectives Development outcomes Fewer Organizational Outcomes and indicators; New process to assure indicator quality and baselines to be defined. Organizational Outcomes (Theory of Change and closer links between levels of result) Clear Impact Pathways Intermediate Outcomes Shared indicators for common activities to be defined; purposeful monitoring and management process to be defined; New process to assure indicator quality to be defined; Closer links between Outputs and Organizational Outcomes. Outputs Outputs 6
Elimination of poverty through economic and social progress Mapping FAO’s enabling environment in the draft Results Chain Model Global Goals Reduction of hunger and malnutrition Sustainable management and utilization of natural resources Elimination of poverty through economic and social progress SO1: Eradicate hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition SO 2: Increase production in agriculture, fisheries and forestry in an economic, social and environmentally sustainable manner SO 3: Reduce poverty SO 4: Enable more inclusive and efficient food systems at local, national, regional and international levels SO 5: Increase the resilience of rural livelihoods to threats and crises Development outcome indicators for monitoring progress (monitored with scorecards) Organizational Outcome indicators for monitoring the result of uptake and use of FAO outputs. Organizational Outcomes Organizational Outcomes Organizational Outcomes Organizational Outcomes Organizational Outcomes Output indicators for monitoring FAO deliverables. Outputs Outputs Outputs Outputs Outputs Outputs Outputs Outputs Outputs Outputs FAO Enabling Environment Enabling activities that cannot be directly linked to specific SOs. Management Performance system to monitor operational efficiency. Assembly and provision of information, knowledge and statistics. Collaborate / partner with members and stakeholders. Advocacy and communication. Effective and efficient administration that helps FAO achieve its goals. Information Technology Governance, Oversight and Direction