We Are Not Judges James 2:1-17
What Kind of Filth? We Are Not Judges James 1 talked about putting aside filth and being unstained. What did that mean? James 2:1 My brothers, show no partiality as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory. We Are Not Judges
What Kind of Partiality? Scenario: James 2:2-4 “made distinctions among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts” Christians do not make such distinctions, because Christians do not act as judges. We Are Not Judges
The Judge Has Spoken We Are Not Judges James 2:5-7 Furthermore, our partiality shows that we are not paying attention to what the Judge has said. Who is receiving the gospel gladly? Who is oppressing the gospel? Start seeing the world as God does. We Are Not Judges
The Royal Law We Are Not Judges James 2:8-13 The Royal Law demands love for our neighbor. The Royal Law cannot be kept piecemeal. Example: James 2:11 The Royal Law judges us, but it does not make us judges. We Are Not Judges
The Verdict We Are Not Judges James 2:14-17 We are being judged by both our convictions and our conduct. Scenario: James 2:15-16 Verdict: “So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” We Are Not Judges