PRACTICAL REFLECTION JOURNAL Insert some of your food photos or image of you working in the kitchen
Week 1 Chocolate Salami Explain what ingredients made this sweet treat look like salami. Describe the flavors/textures of your finished salami. Aim to use at least 4-6 good sensory words to describe it-Appearance, texture and taste. Explain how we interpret flavour? Try to think about the role of taste, aroma, sound, memories, visual, Explain the equipment you used to melt the chocolate and the butter? What are the advantages of using this to melt chocolate? Insert a photo of your salami
Week 2 Peach sponge cakes Insert a photo here of your little cakes Use good sensory words to describe the completed cakes. Appearance, taste and texture. Make sure you identify these for each component of the cakes What are the advantages of using dehydrated vegetables to color these instead of other food colorings? What are the main nutrients in egg? What is the role of the egg in making these cakes? custard? Incorporate these terms if you can-denaturation, coagulation Give 1 ideas for how you could make modifications to any decisions you made to improve the overall result Name 3 tasks in the kitchen you think you are doing well. Name 1 area you think you could work on to improve
Week 3 Making a tomato relish Insert a photo here of your tomato relish PRESERVATION Name 3 of the main ingredients in your the relish? List the ingredients that assist in the preservation of the tomatoes? What ingredients allow this to be stored for long periods without the growth of microorganisms? List at least 3 other types of preserved foods you could make and write next to it what the main preserving ingredient is? Find some images of some interesting preserve foods Find out about the process of Fermentation? What are the health benefits of eating fermented foods?
Week 4 Heston’s chicken pies (prac. assess) Insert a photo here of your pie here, served with your own relish Name 3 main ingredients in the pies? Outline the chemical properties (nutrients)in each ingredient Describe the physical changes that occur to the chicken from being raw to cooked (what is scientific process is occurring here?) What happens to chicken or other meats if you overcook the meat? Think about the texture What is gluten? What foods contain gluten? What alternatives are there for these ingredients How could you make modifications of this recipe for someone that is gluten intolerant?
Week 5 Honeycomb Put a picture of your honeycomb here What have you found out about the pH scale during this class? Water is neutral what would the pH be of water? What was the reading for bicarb.? cream of tartar? the honey? What happens in an acid/base reaction? show some photos of you adding the bicarb soda to the hot honey and sugar mix? why is this important to the texture of honeycomb? What are the ingredients in baking powder? What happens in adding this to a cake mix with plain flour? What else does it need for the reaction to occur? why is it important?
Week 6 Investigating Sous Vide Put a photos of your sous vide rhubarb. What is the French translation of sous vide Outline the advantages and disadvantages of sous vide Experience the texture, flavor and appearance of the various items that have been cooked using the sous vide technique. Explain this technique and why it has beneficial outcomes on the sensory properties Find a picture of a commercial sous vide machine and compare this to technique that you have used. Find where you can find the temperatures and cooking times of different meats.
Week 7 Heston’s bacon and banana biscuits Insert a photo here of your bacon and banana biscuits Do a PMI on your lesson today. Positives-What did you do well? Minuses? What could you improve on next time? Interesting? What did you find interesting about the flavors? Ingredients? in your biscuits? Why did Heston’s ingredients and flavor combinations for these biscuits work? Investigate other unusual flavor pairings. List 1 other unusual pairing for an ice-cream List 1 unsusual pairing for a savoury sauce.
Week 8 Making the sweet soil Insert a photo of your sweet soil here. Name 2 important processes or techniques that you had to get right for successful outcomes of your soil. How does Heston make a savoury soil? What are the ingredients for this and suggest some ideas for a dip and other parts to a savoury flowerpot?
Week 9 Heston’s Flowerpots Insert a photo here of your flowerpots Suggest 2 modifications you would make to improve the final appearance, texture and/or taste of the flowerpots. Outline 2 skills that you have improved on since early in the term? organisation during class, techniques?, keeping to times?, cleaning up? Final presentation Show at least 3 photos of the steps in assembling these flowerpots What did you enjoy most about these?
Week 10 Ice-cream design task Insert a photo here of your ice-cream List the constraints of the brief? Name 2 considerations that could be relevant to this brief. Explain the steps in making the custard for the ice-cream using your own photos or photos from google images For at least 3 steps explain the important decisions that are made for a successful texture to your final ice-cream. Put in a picture of our ice-cream machine and outline 3 steps for using it correctly/cleaning it
Week 11 Heston apple salted caramel Insert a photo here of your salted caramel List the constraints of the brief? Name 2 considerations that could be relevant to this brief. Write 2 criteria of evaluation questions that you could have written to test if your food item meet the brief What shape have you chosen? What flavour custard filling have you chosen? Now answer your criteria of evaluation questions. List 4 other types of pastry that you could make.
Week 12 Salted caramel Insert a photo here of your salted caramel What temperature did you have to get your sugar syrup to during this prac? Confectionary making can be potentially dangerous, highlight 3 important safety tips for working with the high sugar temperatures. What are the critical points to this dish-think about safety as well as technique? Show some photos of your own or from google images. Make a list of other examples of confectionary food items that you could use in food design?
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