Unix Commands PowerPoint Davina Harrison LS560 February 17, 2017
Login: From the login screen I can access the server to view, manipulate or add files on the server. This can also be done with an FTP application, but the command line is more powerful than the FTP application.
List Folders: This command lists the folders in my root directory on the Unix space.
Change Directories: This command allows me to switch from the root to other directories.
Move to the Root Directory: This command allows me to return to the root directly efficiently. If I have changed directories multiple times, it saves me from entering the cd command multiple times.
Make a New Directory: This command creates a new directory.
Moving into the New Directory: Now I’m in the new directory called files.
history: This command is used to display my last 10 commands.
date: The date command will display the current date and time where the server is physically hosted.
who: This UNIX command shows that I am currently the only one logged onto this server.
cal: This UNIX command displays the current month calendar.
rmdir: This command is used to delete a directory.
ls –l: This command displays a list of directories and files than include information like permissions, date created and file size.
In the previous slide, the letters d r w x r meant the following: d = directory r = permission to read w = permission to write x = permission to execute
grep: This command is used to search for the occurrences of a keyword (in this case digitization) in a file.
rm: This command is used to remove a file rm: This command is used to remove a file. In this case I used it to delete an image called paper that I no longer needed in my public_html directory.
last yourusername: This command lists my last logins and how long I was logged on for.
exit: The exit command logs you off the server.
Why We are Learning UNIX Command Language It is more powerful than using a FTP program It gives you more knowledge about what’s going on in the background of the server. Also, when working on web development or as a systems head you’ll need to get into the background of the server.