Facts about WWI American Hamburgers were renamed Salisbury Steaks Dachschunds were renamed badger dogs for a period of time Pigeons and dogs were used to carry messages to the front lines. German’s were the 1st to use flamethrowers in WWI and flames could go as far as 130 feet. Walt Disney enlisted in the army at 16 and drove an ambulance decorated with his cartoon drawings. Word “cootie” originated- slang for body lice during WWI. 1st use of chlorine & mustard gas- if gas masks were not available, soldiers would urinate on clothes & hold it over their nose and mouth to neutralize the cholorine. Hitler was a soldier in WWI was wounded and was awarded several medals. Veteran’s Day =Armistice Day and marked the end of WWI
Europe on the eve of WWI- 1914 Europe’s great powers: Germany Austria-Hungary Great Britain Russia Italy France
Europe on the Eve of War (1914) By 1914 the major European countries had colonized the world. Countries had to compete for resources= resulted in rivalry and mistrust Countries began building their armies and navies just in case war broke out.
The Triple Alliance was formed By 1871, Chancellor Otto von Bismark wanted to maintain peace in Europe. Germany believed France was the biggest threat to peace in Europe. To isolate France, Germany formed an alliance with Austria-Hungary and Italy. During WWI-Changed Name to Central Powers and added Bulgaria and Ottoman- Turks
The Triple Entente was formed France and Great Britain became alarmed by the German alliance and joined with Russia. Germany began to increase their navy to rival the British. During WWI- Changed Name to “Allies” and added Japan, Italy and Later, the USA
What are the four underlying or “MAIN” causes of WWI?
The “MAIN” Causes of World War 1 2 4 3
“M” Militarism The glorification of armed strength and the ideals of war caused countries to build huge armies and navies “arms race” Britain vs. Germany
“A” Alliances Formed diplomatic relationships- No European power wanted to fight alone Triple Entente- Britain, Russia, and France Triple Alliance- Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy
How do Alliances play a role in causing a World War?
“I” Imperialism The race to get overseas colonies and economic resources led to conflict between the European nations
“N” Nationalism Great pride in one’s own country, or aspiring to become independent countries Nationalism often reflected in songs, art, and media
“The Powder Keg of Europe” The Balkans is an area that had broken away from the Ottoman Empire. Area known for nationalist uprisings and ethnic conflict. It was full of people who wanted to extend the borders of their countries.
“The Powder Keg of Europe” In 1908, Austria-Hungary annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina. Serbia, a new country, had wanted the land due to it’s large Slavic population and was outraged.
Immediate cause of WWI On June 28, 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, from Austria- Hungary visited Sarajevo (Bosnia) The Black Hand (Serbian terrorist group) hired many assassins to kill him. Gavrilo Princip shot & killed Ferdinand and his pregnant wife. Archduke Franz Ferdinand Gavrilo Princip
A Chain Reaction leads to WWI Austria-Hungary was outraged and issued an ultimatum/Germany offered support Serbia failed to meet ALL the demands so A-H declared war on July 28, 1914. Russia mobilized on the German border & looked to France for help. Germany then declared war on both Russia and France. Great Britain declared war on Germany
Look at the map of Europe- what main problem did Germany face during this war?
The Schlieffen Plan Did the Plan Work???? Germany developed a plan to quickly win the two-front war. Germany would invade France by going through Belgium (Neutral). Once France was beat, the Germans would then send all their troops to fight the Russians. Did the Plan Work????
The First Battle of the Marne Most important battle of WWI-proved Schlieffen Plan wouldn’t work On September 5, 1914, the French threw every available soldier at the Germans in the Marne River Valley outside of Paris. Taxis drove soldiers to the front lines. France stopped the German Advance
A Stalemate Develops After the First Battle of the Marne, both sides dug in and prepared for a long war. The deadlocked (no winner) region in northern France became known as the Western Front.
All Quiet on the Western Front NEXT UP!!! All Quiet on the Western Front