Science Museum as Lab and Hub For Makers Maya Halevy,
LAB To introduce engineering into primary schools and science museum programs through problem-solving.
HUB Maker Faire – a meeting place for professionals and armatures, scientists, engineers and artists (since 2012 )
LAB Make Light - Annual exhibition, based on open call for makers, every Hanukah
LAB New types of interactive exhibits - open all day, guided and unguided but always messy
LAB Sand Box- Permanent exhibit for very young children
HUB Toys Fixing – for young children and their caregivers- teachers and parents
LAB Engaging girls (workshop for families ( Part of Hypatia )
HUB After school programs- for Jews and Arabs Professional development – for young activists
Lab & Hub – “Under Construction" Experiments inspiration Shapes and Forces Library of Images & Books
Models - Build and Test
Design Make Play