Sue Cromack WDECU NLIAH WORKFORCE PLANNING Sue Cromack WDECU NLIAH The aim of the presentation is to give you an overview of the principles of Workforce Planning .
WORKFORCE PLANNING PLANNING Use of information to predict different future scenarios Strategies to overcome predicted problem areas What is workforce planning? Workforce Planning is a term applied to a process of using information to predict future staffing requirements. Workforce Planning is not just a number crunching excise. ,the information can be used: To determine future requirements To predict problems. Strategies can then be put in place to overcome those problems.
WORKFORCE PLANNING SUPPLY & DEMAND The concepts of supply and demand are two basic cornerstones of workforce planning Where will new staff come from – supply How many staff do we need and what skills do we need - demand Supply and Demand are the basic cornerstones of Workforce Planning The questions one should be asking are: Is the supply there in the first place Does supply meet demand
AIMS OF WORKFORCE PLANNING The Right Skills, The KSF can tell us what skills are required The Right Place The Right Time The Right Cost The aim of Workforce Planning is to match the right skills in the right place at the right time for the right cost Whilst maintaining an agreed and acceptable standard of care. To achieve this there is a need to continually examine the skill mix of areas along with job analysis. Through reviewing any role at regular intervals, not just when a member of the team leaves.
WORKFORCE PLANNING INFLUENCES Internal: Do the skills already exist in the organisation, are the in the right place how can the KSF help External : Do the skills exist outside the organisation, how much do we know about outside skills The influences affecting workforce planning are INTERNAL: Policies Historical Practices Service Delivery EXTERNAL: Government Initiatives Better Health Better Wales Funding
Does the KSF have a role in each of these or not? WORKFORCE PLANNING FOUR TIME FRAMES Does the KSF have a role in each of these or not? Operational Short Term Medium Term Long Term With any planning process there are four time frames: Operational: the daily deployment and redeployment of staff/ TACTICAL Short Term: The planned deployment of staff through rostering- Medium Term: Planning a few months in advance e.g. annual leave requirements -STRATEGIC Long Term: This is making decisions on the long term requirements for staff should be based on Service Developments This again is STRATEGIC but most people only associate this part of the process with workforce Planning.
TRUST WORKFORCE PLANNING Micro Workforce Planning Planning for Individual Posts & People Retention, Recruitment, Retirement & Redeployment Trust workforce planning is the process which looks at individual posts and people. It takes into account Retention of staff Recruitment of staff Retirement of staff Redeployment of staff
INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS WORKFORCE PLANNING INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS Workload Service Development Skill Required Historical Data Budgets To be able to effectively workforce plan at Trust level it is necessary to take the following into account: WORKLOAD:Dependency of Patients/Activity, Establishments (Very few Trusts have set establishments) SERVICE DEVELOPMENTS: Through the Business Planning Process including the Health Improvement Plans SKILL REQUIRED:Need to ask What skills do my staff have,What skills do I need to develop What skills do I need to take this service development forward,Where will I get the staff with the appropriate skills from. HISTORICAL DATA: How do we deliver that particular service, how can we improve upon it. Use historical data in a positive way. BUDGET: How much do I have, how much do I need. For the first time Workforce Planning in 2001 should be based on Need
WORKFORCE PLANNING ALL WALES All Wales workforce planning is macro workforce planning Macro workforce planning does not look at individuals Macro workforce planning looks at the overall body of people in the workforce How can the KSF help with this? The Assembly looks at the overall requirements of the Workforce in Wales and does not look at individuals. On arrival at the National Assembly it is the role of the the Workforce Planning Branch of the Human Resources Directorate to plan the future workforce for the NHS in Wales, using those figures that are submitted by Trusts. The information supplied by Trusts to the Workforce Planning Branch, is analysed over and over again, to ensure that the NHS in Wales has a well developed workforce which is able to meet the high demands placed on it. If problems are not identified then they cannot be corrected. It is not always possible to correct them, but it is better to be aware of the problem. The information is also used to determine: The future training numbers for Nurses, PAMS and other Staff Groups and is used when advising Ministers e.g. Jane Hutt. Accuracy is key.
Which Knowledge and skills do workforce planners need? Which four dimensions would be most important in a workforce planners post outline What level would these skills be A: for someone at a strategic level in the organisation and B: for someone at operational level