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Which amendment did Susan B. Anthony influence the most? 19th Amendment
What natural resource did the Newlands Reclamation Act try to conserve? Water
Did Josiah Strong approve of imperialism? Yes – He saw it as a way to spread Christanity.
What did the Open Door Policy of 1900 do? Chinese trade was open to all countries.
Who wrote The Jungle about horrible descriptions of the meat-packing industry? Upton Sinclair
What did President William H What did President William H. Taft establish to investigate and publicize child labor problems? Children’s Bureau
the Roosevelt Corollary When the U.S. took over collecting customs tariffs in the Dominican Republic wit the help of U.S. Marines, what was the U.S. applying? the Roosevelt Corollary
What did John Muir influence? the National Park System
What law did Upton Sinclair influence? Pure Food & Drug Act
Why was the U.S.S. Maine sent to Cuba? to evacuate American from Cuba if war broke out
What did Woodrow Wilson do to restore America’s confidence in the U. S What did Woodrow Wilson do to restore America’s confidence in the U.S. banking system? Federal Reserve Act
Describe the Philippines status now in the world. an independent nation
What was the purpose of the Sherman Antitrust Act? To break up large companies to allow more competition and fair prices for citizens
What term allows voters to demand an election to remove an elected official from office? Recall
gained a military and naval base What was the most important gain America had by taking control of Hawaii? gained a military and naval base
Name 3 reasons the U.S. wanted to help Cuba win its independence from Spain. Yellow journalism lies, wanted to trade sugar with Cuba, & didn’t want Spain so close to the U.S.
What amendment did Frances Willard influence the most?
What did Alfred Thayer Mahan write a book about that supported America’s imperialism and overseas trade? A Steel Navy
What term stands for the belief that white English-speaking people should dominate? Anglo-Saxonism
Who was the U.S. Senator that insistsed Congress build a powerful navy? Henry Cabot Lodge
What year was the Spanish-American War fought? 1898
Who was president of the Women’s Temperance Union for 19 years to end the drinking of alcohol? Frances Willard
Who wrote a book about disease, crime, and poverty in New York city as a muckraker? Jacob Riis
Which amendment makes U.S. citizens pay income tax? W.E.B. DuBois, Ida B. Wells, & Jane Addams
Who overthrew the Hawaiian queen? U.S. Marines and American plantation owners
Who was the Wisconsin governor who wanted government to be more responsive to the people, hated party bosses, and became a progressive model for other refomers? Robert La Follette
What was created to monitor American businesses? Federal Trade Commission
What law was passed to set an 8-hour workday for railroad workers? Adamson Act.
How did Eugene Debs affect the presidential election in 1912? A Democrat won because Debs got a lot of votes as a Socialist.
Name Americans against U.S. imperialism. Jane Addams, Andrew Carnegie, & Grover Cleveland