FLEXIBLE LEARNING YEAR South Central Minnesota Consortium 5-10-10
MN STATUTE 124D.12 Flexible Learning Year Programs Sections 124D.12 to 124D.127—Purposes: Authorize districts to evaluate, plan, and employ the use of flexible learning year program…these alternative must include, but not be limited to, various 45-15 plans, four-quarter plans, quinmester plans, extended learning year plans, flexible all-year plans, and four-day week plans. Section 124D.121—Definition: “Flexible learning year program” means any district plan approved by the commissioner that utilizes buildings and facilities during the entire year or that provides forms of optional scheduling of pupils and personnel during the learning year in elementary and secondary schools or residential facilities for children with a disability.
VISION: Restructuring time to maximize learning GOAL: Create a modified school calendar that makes a difference in improving the academic achievement of ALL students
SOUTH CENTRAL MINNESOTA MODEL Focus Areas Common Calendar: “Time for Academic Success” Shared Professional Development Opportunities: “Training for Academic Success” Partnerships: “Connection with Post-Secondary Institutions, Service Cooperatives, and Member Districts to Enable Academic Success”
EXPLORATORY TIMELINE Spring/Summer 2010 TASK RESPONSIBLE TARGET DATE Informational meeting with SW Minnesota FLY representatives Region 2 MASA 3-31-10 6 PM SCSC Exploratory meeting: Brainstorm areas of focus Set process for gathering input Determine next steps 4-27-10 2 PM Second planning meeting Survey task force shares concept Survey instrument finalized 5-19-10 9 AM Share concept and possibilities with district staff and board of education Receive input via survey Local Superintendent 5-28-10
TIMELINE Continued TASK RESPONSIBLE TARGET DATE Set meetings with: SCSC Minnesota State University-Mankato Gustavus Adolphus College Bethany Lutheran College South Central College Commissioner of Education 3-30-10 4-14-10 5-17-10 6-15-10 Third planning meeting Set summer retreat date (complete steps #2, #3, and #4) (Establish FLY application timeline) Identify sub-committee for Step #4 Secure district commitment to move ahead 6-22-10 10 AM
Deal Breaker if NOT Included Deal Breaker if it IS Included Common Calendar Very Important Somewhat Important Not Important Deal Breaker if NOT Included Deal Breaker if it IS Included Common start date in mid-August Common end date in mid-May Semester break during Christmas recess Common professional development days Modeled to facilitate year-round school concept Incorporate a mid-year J-Term concept Maximize instructional time prior to high stakes testing settings Common number of instructional hours among FLY districts Opportunities to provide targeted services to identified groups of students—avoid summer learning loss
Shared Professional Development Opportunities Very Important Somewhat Important Not Important Deal Breaker if NOT Included Deal Breaker if it IS Included Targeted teacher professional development Targeted principal professional development Incorporate a mid-year J-Term concept Continuous professional development throughout the year Probationary teacher induction/mentor component Use PLC format for FLY professional development Data-driven, research-based professional development Sharing professional development funding among a cluster of schools
Deal Breaker if NOT Included Deal Breaker if it IS Included Partnerships Very Important Somewhat Important Not Important Deal Breaker if NOT Included Deal Breaker if it IS Included University/college partnerships Sharing on-line learning opportunities Maximize the use of scarce/declining resources
Draft Outline if Commitment is Made to Move Ahead: TASK TARGET 1 Commitment and Planning Phase July 1, 2010 2 Create a Consortium Outline of Plan October 22, 2010 3 1st Draft of Flexible Learning Year (FLY) Application November 24, 2010 4 Final FLY Application December 17, 2010 5 Three Public Hearings January 21, 2011 6 Final Board Resolution of Commitment January 28, 2011 7 Submit FLY Application to MDE February 1, 2011 8 Decision by MDE Commissioner of Education March 15, 2011 9 Local Board Adoption of FLY Calendar March 31, 2011 10 Implementation of FLY Plan 2011-12 School Year