100 Days of Murder: The Rwandan Genocide, April 6 - June 22, 1994
The Origins the Rwandan Genocide The Kingdom of Rwanda: Tutsis and Hutus 1890 Germany awarded Rwanda 1918-1962 Rwanda under the Belgians: Constructing Ethnic Divisions, Racism, and New Hatreds 1959 Hutu Emancipation Movement Rwandan Independence, Hutu Nationalism, 20,000 Dead Tutsis 1964/1974 Pogroms against Tutsis Rwandese Patriotic Front (Tutsis) Invades 1993-1994 Preparation for Genocide: Racist Propaganda and the Interahamwe Hutu Militias January 1994 UN Commander learns of genocide plans; UN, USA, France, Russia, and China refuse material aid.
Timeline of Genocide (1994) April 6 Hutu President’s Jet Shot-Down - Signal for Murder Hutu Militia’s round up and kill Tutsis and Hutu political opponents; UN Soldiers unable to prevent escalation of violence. April-July 800-900,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus murdered (equals Auschwitz efficiency); machetes weapon of choice; United Nations and “Great” Powers Do Nothing. April 29 UN concedes that “acts of genocide may have been committed; 500,000 Rwandans killed. June 22 French intervene, do little to stop killing July Tutsi Rebels of RPF defeat Hut government and end genocide; Millions of Hutus, fearing retribution, flee to Congo, provoking a new war that leads to 3 million more deaths and continues today. 1998 President Bill Clinton travels to Rwanda and apologizes for American inaction during the Genocide. 5000 American troops could have saved 400,000 lives.
The Interahamwe: The Killers
The Murdered
Counting the Dead
Orphans of the Genocide
Hutu Refugees
A Century of Mass Murder: Country Years Approximate Toll Soviet Union (Stalin) 1930s-50s 10-20 million Mao Tse Tung 1950s-1960s 20-30 million The Holocaust (Hitler) 1939-1945 6 million Japan in China 1937-1945 5+ million Cambodia (Pol Pot) 1975-1976 1.7 million North Korea (Kim il Jung) 1994-95 c. 1-2 million Armenia (Turkey) 1915 1.2 million Ruanda 1994 800,000 East Timor 1976-78 600,000 Darfur (Sudan) As We Speak 150,000 & Counting
Darfur, Sudan (Today)