LimeLight Training
Logging In The 1st screen you will land on after typing in the web address will look like this Type in the password (that matches which campaign you are taking a call on) here Type in the username (that matches which campaign you are taking a call on) here
Locating The Customers Account The system will bring you to this page. You have to click on Clients & Fulfillments Then click on the orders options
Locating The Customers Account Cont. You can search by any of the fields below. Usually zip code and or last name will work fine. If for any reason you cannot locate the customers account by either of those methods to avoid wasting time on the phone call ask for the last 4 digits of the credit card. If the customer has an account with us then you will ALWAYS be able to pull it up by the last 4 digits of the credit card. If the customer has an order # you can also search by that as well.
Locating The Customers Account Cont. Once you type in name, zip it will bring to this page Order # OR Customers name You have to ask the customer what their 1st name and email address on the account is to determine which account you need to pull up. Then click on the appropriate name highlighted in blue to access the customers account. You also have the option of clicking on the order # to access the customers account.
Locating The Customers Account Cont. This is what the next screen will look like. If the customer is claiming that they have called before you should start at the 1st account billed which you will be able to locate buy the date.
When you access a customers account this is what you will see When you access a customers account this is what you will see. All of their information is below.
The Customers Account. Make sure that you verify the customers address prior to speaking on behalf of the account.
Locating The Customers Account Cont. If is not the customer calling (husband, friend, family member etc) than the person on the line has to verify the last 4 digits of the credit card number, which is located near the bottom of the screen.
You will be able to see at the bottom of the page if there is notes in that account. If there are no notes in that account you would click the blue order # at the bottom of the page and this will bring you to the next account. Continue to do this until you find the notes. If no notes are found than most likely the customer did not call in and you would continue with the call accordingly. If there were notes in the account this is where they would be To look through the account efficiently click on the order # in blue at the bottom of the page to get to the customers next billed account
To Note The Customers Account Scroll to the bottom of the page in the most recent account that the customer has. Type notes (make sure to initial) and chose the green save tab
This is also where you will see previous notes and actions that have been made to the customers account. Previous notes Previous Actions
To Extend Trial/Next Ship date you locate the section of the customers account that says next recurring date(this will be under the customers address) .There will be a date and calendar next to it. Click on the calendar and choose the date you want to extend the trial or ship date to.
To Extend Trial or Ship Date When done correctly it will show you the next recurring date in the next recurring date in the box but it will also show at the top of the account. It will also show at the bottom of the account below where you type your notes what changes you have made to the account. ALWAYS double check before moving on to the next call.
How to toggle an account How to toggle an account. We only toggle on campaings where the client requires the customer to return the product if they cancel in trial. To do this you simply go the section of the account that says generate RMA. You change the no to a yes. Then you will generate the RMA. You will then go just up above to where the calendar is. You will move the date out 14 days from the day the RMA is generated. You will see an option to stop next recurring after successful billing. Change that no to a yes. Basically this means if the customer does not get the product back to us by that date they will be billed.
There are only a few clients that require us to TOGGLE for pre trial customers that wish to not be billed for the supply they received. In order for us to ensure they are not billed the client will need the product back by that 14th day or they will once again be billed. You must disclose this info to the customer.
To Track a Package Locate the section of the customers account that states tracking #. This will be located under the next recurring date. You would copy this # and paste it to the website to track the customers package. The tracking will show you where and what time the package was delivered.
Choose the stop recurring tab To Stop Recurring Make sure the box is checked at the top of the customer account. Choose the stop recurring tab
This is the box that will populate after you choose to stop recurring To Stop Recurring Cont. This is the box that will populate after you choose to stop recurring Make sure that you click on the stop recurring tab to successfully stop the recurring. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT.
To Stop Recurring Cont. When done correctly at the bottom of the screen under the notes it will show recurring turned off.
To Apply a Discount Scroll to approximately the middle of the customers account, there will be a spot that says rebill discount. You will then type in the amount that the customer accepted for a discount. Example below
To Apply a Discount Cont. You will then type in the amount that the customer accepted for a discount. Example below You HAVE to make sure that you click on the green tab to save. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT (the discount will not save if you do not save it)
To Apply a Refund Locate the section of the account that states void/ refund near the bottom of the page Above you see what the customer has been charged. Depending on which refund amount the customer accepts, depends on the amount you will refund (type in the void/refund box and press refund which would be highlighted in blue).
Apply a Refund Below you see what the customer has been charged(order total this will ALWAYS be the same amount as the amount that is in the void/refund box). Again depending on which refund amount the customer accepts, depends on the amount you will refund. You always calculate the refund off the product price. Product price is the dollar amount the customer paid minus the shipping and handling. Amount being refunded This will apply the refund Using the example above: If the customer accepts a 25% refund you would multiply $59.95 * .25. Whatever that equals, in this case it would be $14.987, you would round up. In this case it equals $14.99. You will then replace the dollar amount located in the void/refund box with the amount that you are attempting to refund (so you would change the $69.90 to $14.99 ). Then you would click on the refund option highlighted in blue.
To Apply a Refund Cont When done correctly, the amount in the void/refund box, will reflect the customers end cost. In this case $69.90 - $14.99(25% of $59.95 product price)= $54.91. It will also reflect in the notes that you refunded $14.99 and at what time and date that the refund was applied.
To Issue RMA #s You have to find the section of the account that shows RMA, which is close to the bottom of the page. All depending what product you are taking calls on and where the customer is in their billing cycle (in trial or outside of trial) you might have to change the no to yes under the RMA field to keep the account active. This is for situations where the customer has to return the product prior to being successfully canceled out.
To Issue RMA #s continued Once you locate this section of the account you would choose the reason that the customer is returning and press generate the RMA # and the RMA # will appear that you have to give the customer. The customer has to put the # on the outside of their package clearly written. When done correctly this # will replace the “choose RMA reason” drop down box. This number will be the # that you provide to the customer to put on the outside of the package
To change the customers address, email and/or credit card # you would locate which section the customer needs to change type in the new information and save. You can change the customers credit card information so the customer can be billed to a different credit card # but the customer can ONLY be refunded to the credit card that was billed /charged.
To place a new order. You have 2 options. 1. If the customer has already placed an order with us you would want to access their account and place a new order from there. What this does is transfers the customers information to the order sheet. The only thing you will have to do is make sure the customer is aware of the terms and the charge that will be posted to their account. Prior to processing the order you have to say I do need your electronic signature to charge the visa/master card ending in **** in the amount of ****.
Your second option is to place a new order from scratch Your second option is to place a new order from scratch. At the top of your screen you would choose the call center tab and place new order. This is the next screen that will pop up. You will have to select the correct option to place an order, which you will be provided.
This is what the order page looks like This is what the order page looks like. You plug in the customers information accordingly and you will also see the order total on the side of the order sheet.