DEEP LENS SURVEY Long term dual hemisphere campaign Multiband very deep photometry 3-D mass tomography in 28 sq deg Transient detections available in real time on the web:
BVRz to 26 mag over 28 sq.deg
Gravitational Lensing must resolve
Weak Gravitational Lensing Uses distortion of background galaxies to map foreground mass concentrations. Complements SN and CMB measurements
Galaxy size vs redshift
Correcting PSF e=0.1 <0.01
N-body CDM Simulation
Real Weak Lens Mass Map
Weak lensing “cosmic shear”
T. Tyson 2001
Galaxy Distribution for pre-LSST 28 square degree survey
3-D Mass Tomography
Cluster detected in weak lensing shear map
Lens Redshift Likelihood Wittman, etal 2001
Current survey: some dark clusters 40 arcmin Mass maps Optical images
Growth rate shear statistic [sources at z=1]
Opening the Optical Time Window Orphan afterglows Stellar variability Caustic crossings Hi-z AGN/QSO The Unknown
Frame Subtraction is at Poisson Limit
Leads to non-traditional search algorithms Alard-Lupton Algorithm, implemented by G. Bernstein and A. Becker: ~120 CPU-sec for 2K x 2K align/convolve/subtract Leads to non-traditional search algorithms
Transients from the Deep Lens Survey