Safer Recruitment and Managing Allegations Sonia Harris & Debi Miles
Welcome Listen carefully to the following statement: If you believe it is true move to the left side of the room. If you believe its false move to the right side of the room.
What is safe recruitment? Children need adults, who are skilled, communicate effectively and are committed to their safety and welfare. One of the most proactive risk management strategies organisations can use is to be very selective in the recruitment of paid staff and volunteers. People who wish to harm child can target organisations who do not use rigorous screening processes.
What do you do to comply with safer recruitment? Safe advertising Job description Person specification Application form Interview process DBS check References Induction/Probation period.
Group Exercise In groups of 5: Consider the following scenario and discuss Case Scenario: Adam is a parent of a child within a local primary school, and he has approached the head teacher with concerns about a new employee in his child’s class. The new employee is a recently appointed family support worker; Adam believes she is related to a former teacher who Adam has been told has been prevented from teaching due to concerns about inappropriate relationships with pupils.
Points for discussion What would you do with this information? What can you ask Adam and what information can you share with him in regards to his concerns and the family support worker?
Points to consider Balance, fairness and support. Confidentiality Organised abuse Whistle blowing Impact on child/ren