Life Sciences Week – Strategy Day Lunch Event, September 25, 2013 PSI West PSI East SLS Techno-Trans AG; industrial use of the SLS facility at Paul Scherrer Institut PSI Life Sciences Week – Strategy Day Lunch Event, September 25, 2013
Agenda Intro about PSI & SLS Proprietary vs. academic research How to access the SLS Our partners Contacts
Political embedment ETH Domain Swiss Federal Government EDA EDI EJPD VBS EFD WBF UVEK (SBF) ETH-Board ETH Domain ETHZ Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich EPFL Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich PSI Paul Scherrer Institute Empa Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing WSL Swiss Federal Research Institute for Forestry, Snow and Landscape Eawag Swiss Federal Institute for Water Resources and Water Pollution Control Founded in 1988 as a merger between two former single institutions (SIN and EIR) PSI is part of the ETH domain (with ETH Zurich, EPF Lausanne, EMPA, EAWAG, WSL) Largest research centre for natural and engineering sciences within Switzerland Global budget 2012: 337 MCHF (275 M€) incl third party funding (EC, industry etc) 1500 FTE staff positions (+ 300 PhD), 35% scientist, 51% technicians/engineers, 7% administration 25% women, 47% non-Swiss staff 2012: # ISI publications: 1050 with PSI author/co-author 3
Mission science of matter and materials energy and environment life sciences large scale research facilities national and international users academia and industry more than 2100 external users / year (38 beamlines) development construction operation knowledge & expertise education technology transfer leading research on an international level – solid state physics and materials science – structural biology, molecular biology – radiochemistry, radiopharmacy, proton radiation therapy – particle physics, accelerator technologies with use of our large-scale facilities (SLS, SµS, SINQ und particle beams) user laboratory for external scientific communities energy research primarily using complex facilities towards an efficient, environmentally friendly and reliable energy supply education and training in close collaboration with academic universities and universities of applied sciences knowledge and technology transfer of our results towards new products and manufacturing processes in close partnership with industry 4
Energy research PSI East Materials sciences Nanotechnology Hotlab Radio-Chemistry Aare Radio-Pharmacy Solar concentrator Proton accelerator Biology Neutron source SINQ Muon source Photon source SLS Key figures Staff: 1500 PhD students: 300 Postdocs: 100 External users: 2500 Proton therapy PSI West
PSI offers three probes on one campus Ideally suited for: solid state physics, soft condensed matter, chemistry, biology, materials science…. SLS: synchrotron X-rays 3rd generation synchrotron electron energy: 2.4 GeV operational: since 2001 beamlines: 18 SINQ: cold and thermal neutrons spallation neutron source Thermal flux 1.1·1014n/cm2/s operational: since 1998 instruments: 19 SmS: m-SR facilities world’s most intense continuous muon source operational: since 1974/1989 instruments: 5
Academia vs. industry @ SLS Approx. 10% of the beamtime is used by industrial users 2025 exp. d / 169 prop. exp. d PX-Strahllinien: ca. 33% Nutzung durch die Industrie
World wide highest efficiency in resolving protein structures Highlight @ SLS World wide highest efficiency in resolving protein structures European Americas Asian/Oceanic Swiss Light Source since 2002
How to access the SLS? Proprietary Access We provide scientific consultations under the strictest confidentiality. If this is necessary for your application, our contract office will arrange non-disclosure agreements (NDA) before any discussions take place. Our major services are: Providing an entry point for industrial SLS customers Scientific consultations NDA and contracts Acquisition of new industrial/proprietary users
Proprietary access is supported by spin off companies and SLS TT AG EXPOSE GmbH Expose provides services on all aspects of protein crystallography to companies and organizations in the pharmaceutical and biotechnological sector. The company organizes measurement shifts at the Swiss Light Source (SLS) and carries out the corresponding analyses. Providing support for evaluations completes the range of services. Contacts: Dr. Joachim Diez, Dr. Santina Russo, Senior Scientist, EXCELSUS STRUCTURAL SOLUTIONS XRPD Characterization – qualitative and quantitative analysis of organic structures with privileged access to state-of-the-art Synchrotron-based techniques that allow an enhanced selection, precise identification, quality-by-design development and the highest attainable purity in the manufacturing of biotech, pharmaceutical, chemical and food products. Contact: Dr. Fabia Gozzo,
From the first contact to the experiment Contact to entry points Techniques and Services Contract Experiment & Analysis SLS TT AG EXPOSE (PX) EXCELSUS (XRPD) BL-Scientists SLS-TT AG EXPOSE EXCELSUS SLS-Techno Trans AG EXCELSUS: XRPD for pharma and food sector BL-Team EXPOSE EXCELSUS The user needs a DUO account (in case they do not yet have one The account needs an additional role, the 'Proprietary Research'. The role is assigned by the Useroffice (inform The company needs to sign a contract with the PSI/SLS technology transfer. Irene Waltert ( is the person to contact for such matters. The contract is usually limited to one (calendar) year and defines a certain amount of shifts. Once the contract is signed, Irene could assign the number of shifts to the account created/defined under step 1|2. There is an administrative role in DUO called 'Proprietary Manager' for doing this. In practice, especially towards end of the year, the shifts need to be "available on the account" before the contract issues is done. In those cases, the useroffice adds the shifts to the account (also via the "Proprietary Manager" role). The request for these actions are typically triggered by the PX-Team. The user could now take the available shifts and create proprietary proposals on any PX beamline with them. Those proposals could be scheduled directly by the user on the shifts the beamline managers have marked as "Proprietary Research" (Cyan color). Users with the 'Proprietary Research' role have functions to accomplish the above listed Step 7+8 on their DUO login page. In practice things work often different: Shifts are not marked as 'Proprietary' but the dates are negotiated by e-mail (like the current case) or the big customers send a list with desired shifts. The necessary proprietary proposals are then created by the user office (@useroffice: Please always use 'Connect as this user...' button and create the proposal from the customers account by clicking 'Request proprietary research shifts', do NOT use the 'Add internal proposal'). The proposals created in Step 10 can used for Scheduling by the beamline-manager as any other Proposal. 2-4 weeks
Contacts SLS Techno Trans AG c/o Paul Scherrer Institut Stefan Müller Email and phone +41 (0)56 310 5427 Expose GmbH Gabenstrasse 11 CH-5312 Klingnau Joachim Diez & Santina Russo Email and phone +41 (0)56 245 8526 Excelsus Structural Solutions S.P.R.L. 93, Avenue du Hockey 1150 Brussels, Belgum Fabia Gozzo Email and Phone +32 470 99 08 51
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