How to Define Separate Order Counters for Separate Sub-Libraries Version 16 and up Yoel Kortick
Introduction It is possible in ALEPH to define various order number counters for various “types” of orders. In addition to the actual order number, a default prefix to the order number may also be defined. In this presentation we will review a popular utilization of this option: We will define separate order number counters for separate sublibraries, and make a prefix for each sub library counter. In our case, the prefix code will be identical to the sub library code. Acquisitions
Sub Libraries In our case we will define a counter code for two of the five sub libraries. The same procedure may be used for all sub libraries. Here are our sub libraries as defined in $alephe_tab/tab_sub_library.eng and viewed in tables navigator We will define order number counter codes for the first sub library here, INFOS (Information Science Library) and the fourth sub library YOELK (Yoel’s Library). Acquisitions
Defining counter codes The counter codes are defined in util G/2 after performing “dlib” to the administrative library. Acquisitions
Defining counter codes The following line means that when no counter code is used the last order number “existing” will be 51560 and therefore the next order number will be 51561. Sequence Name Value Suppress Type Prefix -------------------- --------- -------- ---- -------- last-order-number 51650 y S In this case there is no prefix. We will now add a new counter as follows: No prefix here Acquisitions
Defining counter codes dlib to administrative library UTIL G/2 Type NEW to create new sequence Acquisitions
Defining counter codes The commands will appear as follows: Enter sequence number to update, or return to continue, or NEW to create new sequence, or 0 to exit: new Enter sequence name (lower case): last-order-no-infos Enter sequence start number: 0 Enter prefix for format output: infos- Do you want to suppress leading zeros in format output (y/n): y Enter type (S/U): U Confirm (y/n): y Acquisitions
Defining counter codes The new line in util/G/2 will appear as follows: Sequence Name Value Suppress Type Prefix -------------------- --------- -------- ---- -------- last-order-no-infos 0 Y U infos- Acquisitions
Using the new counter code We will now create a new order using the new counter code. Acquisitions
Using the new counter code From Order List in acquisitions module click “Add” and then enter your counter code as defined in UTIL G/2 Acquisitions
Using the new counter code The first order number given will now be INFOS-1 It begins with INFOS- and is number 1 because in UTIL G/2 we defined prefix “INFOS” and last order number is defined as 0 (thus the next new number is 1”). There are no leading zeroes because we stated to suppress the leading zeroes. Acquisitions
Using the new counter code The second order number given will be INFOS-2 The counter “infos” will be used as long as we define the counter code when opening the order Acquisitions
Defining the default Counter code Each PC may be given a different default order no. counter code when opening a new order. This is done in the file AL500/acq/tab/acq.ini in the following lines Acquisitions
Defining the default Counter code The “EnablePrexix=Y means that the user may enter a prefix when adding an order. If this were N no such input box would appear when creating an order. The prefix string is the default counter code, which may be changed by the user when creating the order prefix string Acquisitions
The Counter code As new orders are made, UTIL G/2 automatically updates itself. This is true for all other counters as well: Sequence Name Value Suppress Type Prefix -------------------- --------- -------- ---- -------- last-order-no-infos 2 Y U infos- This is the case after entering two orders. The next order entered which will have counter code infos will have number “infos-3” and the counter value will change to “3”. Acquisitions
Multiple Counter codes A separate counter code will behave differently Enter sequence number to update, or return to continue, or NEW to create new sequence, or 0 to exit: new Enter sequence name (lower case): last-order-no-yoelk Enter sequence start number: 10 Enter prefix for format output: yoelk- Do you want to suppress leading zeros in format output (y/n): n Enter type (S/U): U Confirm (y/n): y This counter, called yoelk, will start with number 11 and have prefix yoelk. The leading zeros will not be suppressed. Acquisitions
Multiple Counter codes Sequence Name Value Suppress Type Prefix -------------------- --------- -------- ---- -------- last-order-no-yoelk 10 N U yoelk- Acquisitions
Multiple Counter codes Acquisitions
Conclusion Various counter codes may be set up with different names and values Each counter may include a prefix (which is important to prevent duplicate order numbers from different counters) The counters and prefixes may be based on various methods. A popular way of differentiating between counters is to base them on sub library codes, as was the case in this presentation. Acquisitions