How can we as individuals help stop global warming (or reduce our carbon footprint)
1. Change to fluorescent light bulbs (150 lbs 1. Change to fluorescent light bulbs (150 lbs. CO2 per bulb per year) and turn off the lights when you are not using them!
2. Recycle paper and glass waste and buy recycled when possible Can save up to 2400 lb. of CO2 a year
3. Set your thermostat to save energy Lowering it 2 degrees in winter and raising it 2 degrees in summer can save 2000 lb. of CO2 a year
4. Turn off electronic devices Completely turn off computers, TVs, DVD players, etc. when not in use—ie, don’t leave them in standby mode And save over 1000 lbs. of CO2 a year
5. Use less hot water Doing laundry in cold water saves 500 lb. CO2 and shorter showers or a low flow showerhead saves 350 lbs. a year
6. Use less packaging Buy less prepackaged stuff and bring your own cloth bags to the grocery store A 10% reduction in garbage saves 1200 lb. of CO2 a year
7. Eat less meat! Cutting back on meat by half (or switching to more poultry and less red meat) could save 800 lb. of CO2 a year
8. Drive less Use public transportation when possible, combine errands to reduce car trips, and carpool with others Save 1 lb. of CO2 for each mile not driven
9. Drink tap water out of your own reusable bottle If you normally drink one bottle of water a day this can save 800 lb. of CO2 a year And it’s perfectly good for you!
10. Stay informed! Become knowledgeable about ways you and your family can contribute to a more sustainable planet