Basic Building Block of Life Cells Basic Building Block of Life
Cell Theory Cells are the basic units of structure & function in living organisms. All living organisms are composed of 1 or more cells. Schleiden: all plants composed of cells Schwann: all animals composed of cells All cells come from preexisting cells. Virchow contributed this.
Prokaryotes First life form: Archaea & Bacteria Note cell wall & cytoplasmic membrane No membrane-bound organelles DNA in nucleoid Ribosomes present Errors in figure Flagellum, singular Cytosol
Different Cell Types
Eukaryotes Protists, Fungi, Plants, & Animals Have membrane-bound organelles Nucleus with nucleolus Endoplasmic reticulum: rough & smooth Golgi apparatus Mitochondrion Chloroplasts, Chromoplasts, & other plastids Vacuoles: plants’ 1 central vacuole; animals- many Vesicles: lysosomes, peroxisomes, glyoxysomes
Characterized Animal Cell
Blood Cell Types & Their Development
Things to know for the Exam Cell types Structure-function relationship Form follows function. Size varies greatly. Organelles specific for animals vs. plants Function of all organelles. Plasma membrane structure & function.
Cell membrane: Fluid mosaic model