Hastings Raider Baseball 3/25/2014 Hastings Raider Baseball 2017 Parent Meeting
Introduction of Coaches Taylor Pagel – Head Coach - 5th Year Ryan Seleski– Varsity Assistant – 2nd Year Nick Sherry–Varsity Assistant – 2nd Year Mike Schlottman– JV Coach – 2nd Year Mike Harp – 10th Grade – Many Years Eric Mace– 9th Grade – 1st year
Hastings High School Parent Handbook http://www.hastingsathletics.org/ Click the Athletic Department Tab Click Parent Handbook Please read the entire handbook if you haven’t already.
Role of the Coach Help players leave the program knowing they were part of something special. Be a positive role model Be Organized Teach mechanics and use terminology that is in line with the varsity system.
Program Goals Field a successful team at all levels. a. In the classroom b. On the field c. In the community Provide each player with the opportunity to learn, develop, and improve their baseball/life skills on a daily basis. We are not only building baseball players, we are building young men. Provide each player with an atmosphere that encourages mental, social, and emotional maturity. Open doors for college advancement. (Online recruiting programs) To compete for the conference title each year. To play in the section finals each year. To increase player involvement in activities that will help maximize the use of their abilities. i.e. summer baseball, other sports and activities, strength and conditioning, etc. Work hard, play hard, and make no excuses. Demonstrate behavior on and off the field that positively represents Hastings High School and Raider Baseball. Get better each time we step on the field. Have Fun.
Summer Baseball Legion Baseball VFW Sophomores/Juniors/Seniors Can sign up now. Information on the HYAA website VFW Sophomores with the possibility of freshman only if needed Areas of Focus for Summer Baseball: 1. Skill Development 2. Challenging Competition 3. Exposure through game play 4. Have Fun!
Raider Baseball Playing time Middle School: At the middle school level we want each and every kid to have the ability to play baseball. Each kid is entitled to playing time but the amount of playing time is determined by the amount of players on the team, the amount of hard work that player is putting forth and if they are showing up each and every day. The playing time is as close to equal as possible, but still can fluctuate dependent on all the things stated above. High School: 9th and 10th (B Squad-team) grade: At the ninth and tenth grade we are really starting to focus on more skills. The kids that work hard, show up every day and are more skill leveled ball players will see the majority of the time. Playing time is not equal for the players at this level. By the end of the season our goal is that each kid will have a chance to play some time in the field and get an at bat or two, but that is dependent on hard work, showing up every day, discipline and the knowledge of the game. We will field our best team at the start of every game and let the game dictate who gets playing time after that. JV (11th grade, and some seniors): JV is focused on the players that are not ready for varsity. They are to tone up on their skills and work on getting better and getting ready for the varsity team. Some players never get passed the JV level, but yet it is a good place for kids to still play the game. The playing time is not equal here and is sometimes dictated by who is playing well at the varsity level. The varsity coach and JV coach work on the best lineup each game and we put our best team out there each day. We let the game dictate who plays after that. Varsity: We field our best team at all times at this level. Playing time is dictated by showing up every day, passing grades, working hard at practice, being a team player, and by skill level. Not every kid makes it to this level. If they are not able to make it to this level they will play on the JV team.
The 20 Roles for Varsity What we need: Where do you fit this year? The coaching staff has identified 20 playing roles 1. First Base 11. Starting Pitcher 2. Second Base 12. Starting Pitcher 3. Third Base 13. Reliever 4. Shortstop 14. Reliever 5. Leftfield 15. Reliever/Closer 6. Centerfield 16. Bullpen Catcher 7. Right Field 17. Reserve Middle Infielder 8. Catcher 18. Reserve Corner Infielder 9. Reserve Catcher 19. Reserve Outfielder 10. Starting Pitcher 20. Pinch Runner We start with the 20 roles that we have identified. Where do you fit this year? Be honest with yourself. Knowing your role will help you set your own goals for the season. Multiple roles can be filled by one player.
Player Expectations and Accountability Show respect to yourself, others, and property Be on time, Be courteous, Be gentlemen, Be a great teammate. Show proper care of your equipment. (Don’t throw helmets, bats, or gloves) Be good role models for younger athletes. Follow all MSHSL rules (including no alcohol, tobacco, or drugs) Follow all HHS rules (Including attendance policy, be where you are supposed to be when you are supposed to be there!) Perform up to your abilities in the classroom. No F’s! Address coaches as Coach Pagel, Coach Schlottman, Coach Seleski, Coach Sherry, Coach Harp, Coach Mace, or simply “Coach” during the season.
Player Expectations Cont’d Missing Practice We expect every player to be at every practice. Our experience has taught us that if players want to miss practice, their future is limited. If players must miss practice due to a school event or an event that the parents view as legitimate, it must be communicated to the coach ahead of time. If you miss practice for Spring Break, you will not play the first game of the year. If you miss half of the week, you will miss half of the game, etc. *Only when the baseball season overlaps with spring break. Failure to follow these expectations will result in disciplinary action, including, up to, removal from the team.
Parent Expectations Be patient, and communicate to coaches according to school policy. Be understanding. Demand that your sons live up to the player expectations listed on the last two slides and help them do so. (Especially alcohol, drugs, and tobacco) Positively promote the program (ex. Social Media) Please stay clear of the dugout before/during the game Be a Fan/Spectator/Supporter/Parent. What types of questions or discussions are you having after games or at home? Studies show that what players want most from their parents is to hear these words: “I am proud of you!” “I love to watch you play!” Let us coach your kid, that’s what we were hired for. Trust us, we are here to help your son.
The Parent Role - Card 1 Name on top of card Front of card – Write at least one reasonable, measurable goal you have for your son this season. This needs to be a measurable, performance-related goal. Example – Starter, averages, errors, etc. Back of Card – Write at least one reasonable, measurable goal you have for our team this season. Example – Wins, team averages, etc.
The Parent Role – Card 2 Name on top of card Front of card – What do you want your son’s experience to be like if he DOESN’T accomplish any of the goals you wrote for him? In other words, what will make this baseball seasons experience valuable even if your son does not accomplish his goals? Back of card What do you want the team’s experience to be like if we don’t accomplish any of the goals from the first card? What will have made baseball meaningful regardless of the outcome of the team goals?
The Parent Role – Card 3 Name on top of card Front of card – What do you want your experience to be like as a sports parent? Back of card – What can you do to help create that experience for other parents?
Practice Schedule Weekdays Weekends –(Varsity/JV only) Outdoor - 3-5:45pm Indoor – varies according to pre-determined schedule Weekends –(Varsity/JV only) Outdoor - varies according to weather (Usually 10- Noon) Indoor – varies according to pre-determined schedule (Usually 10-Noon Saturday Team Lunches No Sunday practices
Season Schedule The schedule as well as any weather changes can be found on our school athletics website. You can sign up on the schedule website to receive email updates. You can also download the schedule to a computer or phone. Click the subscribe link in upper right hand corner of schedule screen.
Injuries Report all injuries directly to a coach ASAP. Injuries are a part of athletics – do not hide an injury. Do not encourage players to “tough it out”. See Athletic Trainer before or after practice to make her aware of an injury ASAP. Do not allow minor injuries to turn into extended or season ending injuries. Any time a player sees a private physician, they must have written clearance on file with me/athletic trainer/school before he can participate again.
Lettering Criteria In order to encourage Raider Baseball Players to be well-rounded student-athletes we have the following lettering criteria. A player must accumulate a number of points equal to the total number of team games played to earn a varsity baseball letter. Points can be earned in the following areas: Playing Time One point for each varsity game played in. Character Up to 3 points for living up to player expectations. Classroom Performance 4 points for making the A Honor Roll 3 points for making the B Honor Roll Attitude Up to 3 points for commitment, attitude, effort in practice and positive representation of Raider Baseball. Athletic Improvement 2 points for participating in another sport 2 points for participating in strength training when not in another sport (SPARQ). Notes: Seniors who have participated for two consecutive seasons may letter with less than the required number of points at the discretion of the coach. A player who has a MSHSL violation will not letter.