Lambeth Partnership Tasking & Co-ordination Protective Marking: Publication Scheme: Suitable for Publication Purpose: This will be used to inform the Safer Lambeth PTAC meeting and aid decision making with regards to resource allocation over the next 4 weeks. The period covered in this report is 12/11//13 – 10/12/13. The report is based on recorded crime, partnership databases, Information and Intelligence Reports and analytical & intelligence products. Branch: Lambeth Partnership Information Unit Date created Dec 6th 2013 Authors, Amber Burridge
Police Priorities Current Tasking Areas Larkhall Burglary Coldharbour/Herne Hill Burglary Theft Person in Brixton Town Centre Motor vehicle crime and Burglary in Clapham Town St Leonards Burglary
North Cluster – Crime Issues BURGLARY IN LARKHALL 21 burglaries in a four week period All residential offences targeted flats The point of entry for all offences was a window or via the front door either by slipping of locks or by force. Insecurities have been exploited Daytime Offences throughout the week A Silver Vauxhall Zafira seen by CCTV but no registration number identified This area has seen an increase in burglary since September. Top streets since September are LANDOR ROAD (10), HUBERT GROVE (6), ALBION AVENUE (4), CLAPHAM ROAD ESTATE (4), TREGOTHNAN ROAD (4) Recommendations Consider Lock it and Stop it for the Vicinity CCTV van Encourage residents to use Immobilise NHW and partners to look out for Silver Vauxhall Zafira
Central Cluster – Crime Issues CLAPHAM: Burglary and Theft From Motor Vehicle 11 burglaries and 5 Theft From Motor Vehicles. Burglary occurs daytime to early evening, with Edgeley road is a repeat location Entry gained via the window either smash or force, targeting Sash Windows Property taken includes Ipads, jewellery, laptops and cameras. No repeat locations or times for Theft From Motor Vehicle, but entry gained via smashed window. Sat Navs and stereos taken Recommendations Encourage residents to use Immobilise Liaise with Neighbourhood watch COLDHARBOUR: Burglary shifted from Herne Hill to include lower Vassall ward: 23 residential and 8 non residential burglaries Flats or Multi-occupancy flats targeted Slipped Communal doors, smashed windows. One venue had a locksmith sticker stuck to the door two weeks before burglary Offences occur throughout the week Daytime and evening offences. Recommendations Consider Lock it and Stop it Liaise with Neighbourhood watch
South Cluster – Crime Issue Burglary in St Leonards 11 burglaries in two weeks - 9 residential Slipped door and forced front door Mostly flats Offences occur throughout the week Early afternoon to night time Recommendations Consider Lock it and Stop it Encourage residents to use immobilise
MOTOR VEHICLE CRIME IN CRESCENT LANE – CLAPHAM COMMON NHW Issues MOTOR VEHICLE CRIME IN CRESCENT LANE – CLAPHAM COMMON Report Received: In the past month, reports have been received in relation to an attempted Theft From Motor Vehicle and tyres stolen from a parked vehicle Driver’s lock was damaged during the attempted Theft From Motor Vehicle Crime Analysis: Abbeville Road and Crescent Lane have seen 2 offences each (compared to 3 and 1 respectively during the same period last year) Including nearby streets, 16 offences in total Incidents occurred overnight between 20:00hrs and 09:00hrs Peak days were Tuesdays and Wednesdays and again Saturdays and Sunday Main method for Theft From Motor Vehicle was smashed window (n4)
NHW Issues Scouting of properties: Stickers are being placed on front doors advertising for a Locksmith to offer a 24 hour service with a fake telephone number placed near the letterbox This stickers are placed on properties considered to be vulnerable, after checking whether the owners are at home during the day and if windows or doors are locked. One property was targeted using this method in Coldharbour during this period Recommendations: Engage with Neighbourhood Watch to keep an eye out for who is placing such stickers on doors and notify local neighbourhood police Remove stickers as soon as possible Liaise with residents in crime prevention advice.
Licensing Theft From Person There has been a decrease in Theft From Person during this period. Top locations for Theft From Person for November are: Recommendations Engage with local licensed premises to put up posters reminding customers of looking after valuables Promote the use of Immobilise Use of beer mats to remind individuals of keeping an eye on their phone Ensure licensed premises promote “Love your phone” campaign.
Anti Social Behaviour Overview – Police reports Incident type total % of total incidents Rowdy or Inconsiderate Behaviour 409 48% Rowdy / Nuisance Neighbours 144 17% Malicious Communications 70 8% Noise 64 Begging 53 6% Vehicle Nuisance / Inappropriate Use 30 4% Vehicle Abandoned not stolen 18 2% Trespass 15 Litter / Drug Paraphernalia 11 1% Animal Problems Fireworks 9 Prostitute related Activity 8 Street Drinking 6 848 INCIDENTS THIS PERIOD. Top three locations this period: Brixton Road (21– 13 of these Rowdy or Inconsiderate Behaviour) Wandsworth Road (15 – 7 of these Rowdy or Inconsiderate Behaviour) Brixton Hill (13 – 9 of these Rowdy or Inconsiderate Behaviour) Rowdy or Inconsiderate Behaviour – 409 Top locations are Brixton Road (13) and Brixton Hill (9) Other location of note is 73-75 Stamford Street (Bishops - 4) Incidents occur between 16:00hrs and 17:00hrs and again between 19:00hrs and 22:00hrs with peak day of Tuesday and Saturday. Recommendations: Engage with Graham House in relation to the ASB incidents
Street Population - SST Top 5 problematic sites Wandsworth Road, near Wyvil Estate: Rough sleepers. Drug users Small encampment. On-going issue. Refusal to accept housing offers. Wyvil Estate / Shrewsbury House: Street based drug use, dealing and associated ASB. On-going issue. Greet Street:. 2 entrenched rough sleepers currently refusing offers of assistance. Vauxhall Island, Sainsburys Local, Tunnels: persistent beggars Brixton High Street: A number of individuals seen begging. Recommendations: Assistance with disruption from all patrolling services Any suggestions from the analyst to tackle the issue
ASBAT TEAM Burglary Prevention: ASBAT to do early patrols to in Coldharbour and evening patrols in St Leonards, reassuring residents and give them burglary prevention advice. Berridge Estate: Area of concern for Antisocial Behaviour. ASBAT to provide reassurance and gather intelligence on individuals causing problems
Confirmed events 15th December – Nelson Mandela Memorial, St Matthew’s Gardens, 15:00hrs to 17:00hrs 15th November – 24th December – Southbank Christmas Market 29th November – 22nd December – The Christmas Forest at Clapham Common 14th December – 5th January – Funfair at Windrush Square 15th December – Christingle being held at Myatt’s Field BRIXTON ACADEMY is hosting a number of events. Events of note: Concerts every night between 10th and 14th December Concerts every night between 16th to 21st December Last Night on Earth concert on 31st December