Advanced Marketing a.a. 2014-15 / 10 CFU / 70 hours Introduction Prof. Silvia Rita Sedita
Target This course is designed for graduates who seek to expand their knowledge of advanced marketing concepts and theories. The programme is designed for those who embrace peer-to-peer collaboration and thrive in environments that demand active participation. Students are challenged in various ways from day one. Creative thinking, self-reflection and innovation are central aspects of the experience.
Objective The aim of the course is to extend knowledge and understanding beyond that covered in introductory marketing theory to develop improved skills to apply this understanding to practical and challenging market scenarios.
Learning goals investigate and evaluate contemporary thinking, theory advances and practices in marketing, including international, unconventional and social media marketing construct media management strategies through the analysis of media consumption and engagement behaviours compare metrics that are used to measure marketing communication strategies
Contents An introduction to the value driven marketing How to fill a business model canvas International marketing strategies Unconventional marketing strategies Social media marketing: tools and applications Marketing metrics Case studies
Textbooks also available as e-books Marketing 3.0: From Products to Customers to the Human Spirit Kotler P., Kartajaya H., Setiawan I. Wiley & Sons 2010 (attendees and non attendees) Business model generation Alexander Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur Wiley & Sons 2010 Visit also the Business Model Hub at
Why these texts? Philip Kotler, the S.C. Johnson & Son Distinguished Professor of International Marketing at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, is also widely regarded as the Father of Modern Marketing. He is ranked by the Wall Street Journal as one of the top six most influential business thinkers. Hermawan Kartajaya is the founder and CEO of MarkPlus, Inc., and is one of the “50 Gurus Who Have Shaped the Future of Marketing,” according to the Chartered Institute of Marketing, United Kingdom. Iwan Setiawan (Kellogg School of Management 2010) is a senior consultant at MarkPlus, Inc.
The business model canvas Diffusion The Business Model Canvas methodology is used by tens of thousands of businesses — big and small — around the world. “The Business Model Canvas is now taught to every fulltime MBA student at our school. It has become the standard for describing and designing business models.” Henry Chesbrough, Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley
The business model canvas Diffusion The Business Model Canvas methodology is used by tens of thousands of businesses — big and small — around the world. “The Business Model Canvas is now taught to every fulltime MBA student at our school. It has become the standard for describing and designing business models.” Henry Chesbrough, Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley
Teaching methods Classes are conducted in an informal learning atmosphere where knowledge and understanding are formed through input from experts and joint reflection. There is a mix of teaching styles, including lectures, guest speakers, case studies, immersive experiences and group work. Everything can be questioned in the quest for new insight and students are encouraged to find ways to make the course content personally relevant.
Course overview Type of hours Who? Credits Hours of teaching Hours Individual study Practice (Lab) Cristiano Nordio 2.0 14 36.0 Lecture Silvia Rita Sedita 8.0 56 144.0 Day Where? When? Wednesday Room 34 14,30 – 16,00 Thursday Room 14 (computer r. 2# from November) Friday 12,30 – 14,30 The course spans approximately from the 1° of October to 18 of December
The Lab Increase your ability to find the right marketing tool in order to create value for your customers/clients Using the business model canvas Every Thursday starting from the 6th of November the class will move in the computer room, 2° floor Cristiano Nordio will lead you through a fascinating lab were applying the concepts acquired during the theoretical part of the course
Blog The blog is oriented to extend classroom conversations to a broader audience. It allows students to interact with me, each other and other readers. Don’t miss the opportunity to participate in a stimulating on line interaction environment and to share your ideas on the topics faced during the lectures and beyond. Slides and documents will be uploaded on the blog on a weekly base. A forum is open to students for general discussion Especially created for attendees is available also for non attendees.
Examination methods - Attendees Activity When? Evaluation 1) Blogging activity During the course 1-3 (low, medium, high) individual level 2) Lab activity group level 3) 3 group homework to be performed in due course 4) Special final written examination composed of true-false, multiple-choice and short answer questions. End of the course Grades are on a scale of 30 For official dates, please register on:
Examination methods - Attendees Activity Evaluation Scores 1) Blogging activity 1-3 (low, medium, high) individual level 1= 0,33 2= 0,66 3= 1 This score will be added to final written examination grade 2) Lab activity group level 3) 3 group homeworks to be performed in due course 4) Special final written examination Grades are on a scale of 30 Final examination grade: 27 Blogging activity: 3 Lab activity: 1 Group homerwork: 2 27+ 1+ 0,33+ 0,66= Example 29 Final mark
Examination methods – Non attendees Written examination composed of true-false, multiple-choice and short answer questions. Evaluation is based on the reading and comprehension of the two text-books. Please register on
Contacts On request, mainly at the DSEA Please send me an e-mail for date and location My office is located at DSEA, Cà Borin Nord, via del Santo 22, 2nd floor. E-mail: Web: Blog:
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