Phonics and your child’s reading development Think for a moment about your own reading memories? Mine was Peter and Jane
What do you know about phonics? Discus..
What is phonics? 26 letters in the alphabet More than 44 phonemes
What is a phoneme? It is the smallest unit of sound: s a t p i n m d g o c k e u r h b z x y w q u I The sounds are very short and clipped Refer to the Jolly phonics actions/sounds and books
Graphemes These are the letters that we write to represent the sound and could be more than 1 letter r ai n sl ee p
Oral Blending This is the hearing of sounds and blending them together to make a spoken word: b-u-s d-o-g s-i-t
Blending This is recognising the letter sounds in a written word and then blending in the order that they are written to make a word: c-u-p s-p-oo-n
Digraphs 2 letters that make 1 sound are digraphs Consonant digraphs contain 2 consonants together making 1 sound: ll ff zz sh ch th ck nh qu wh ph Vowel digraphs contain 2 vowels together making 1 sound: ai ee oa oo ar or ur ow oi er ay ea ie oy ir Write out the following: chill fort duck rain play feet…can you identify the digraphs?
Trigraphs These are 3 letters together making 1 sound chair sight fear hear stair Ask parents to identify the trigraphs in these words
Split vowel digraphs Where the e at the end of the word changes the vowel within the word to the name rather than the sound Ask parents to think of examples…
a – e e - e o - e u - e i - e Can parents think of examples
Phonics screening at the end of Year 1 Reading isn’t just about phonics, it is one way of reading…can you think of any others? It iz tiym too gow hoam sed th kat or pilla But iy doat wont to gow hoam I see this as an Early Years Teacher and it makes me very happy!