the financial implications of marketing Market Strategy the financial implications of marketing
Market Strategy Your task is to prepare a five year plan: You must explore several strategies Set and quantify objectives You must balance profitability with growth and survival You will be helped by a computer Leaving you to think and discuss
The Business Situation A typical manufacturing company The current, domestic market has stagnated So you must investigate new markets Exporting the current products Selling directly using your own staff Selling via non-exclusive agents Selling via non-exclusive dealers Launch New Domestic Products
Performance Measures Profitability Growth Survival Long Term Return on Investment Growth Sales (units & value) Market Share (unit & cash) Worth (residual profit) Survival Cumulative Cash Flow Long Term Discounted Cash Flow (I.R.R. & N.P.V.)
Market Structure Total Market Served (penetrated) Market Total potential sales Growing over time Served (penetrated) Market Where the company is selling Penetration of total market increases Competitive Share Proportion of served market that buys Influenced by your marketing decisions
Market Influences Price Promotion Performance Inventory Availability Debtor Policy Launch Year
Using the Computer Choose & enter a team name The Planning Options Review Current Plan Compare Plans What-If Analysis Change Working Plan Recess Planning
Review Current Plan Select from several reports Detail Results Summary Results Combined Detail Combined Summary
Detail Results Shows for each of the five years Sales Revenue Unit Market Share Cash Market Share Profit Profit to Sales Capital Employed Cumulative Cash Flow Return on Investment Residual Profit
Summary Results Shows for the five years as a whole Served Market Share Total Sales Revenue Average Unit Market Share Average Cash Market Share Total Profit Average Profit to Sales Worst Cash Flow Internal Rate of Return Net Present Value
Observations Think before you act (do not waste your plans) Ask for help if you need it There is no right or wrong answer (your best plan will be the one that best meets the financial objectives you decide) Enjoy the challenge