i>Clicker Questions Chapter 31: Confronting Global and National Dilemmas, 1989 to the Present i>Clicker Questions
1. What contributed to the expanding role of China as the manufacturer of America's cheap consumer goods? a. Break down inside the Chinese Communist Party b. The deregulation of American finance c. China's deliberate decision to keep its currency weak d. The poor quality of American manufacturing
2. Why did the United States, Canada, and Mexico sign the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1993? a. They hoped to offset the economic power of the European bloc. b. They wanted to avert the growing economic dominance of China. c. They sought to protect North American capitalism from Communist influence. d. Canada and the United States hoped to bring an end to poverty in Mexico.
3. Globalization advanced due to corporations' quest for new markets and their a. need for raw materials. b. search for ever-cheaper labor sources. c. effort to borrow money at lower interest rates. d. desire to improve the quality of life in the developing world.
4. Why did the World Wide Web prove instantly democratic when it became widely available in the 1990s? a. Online businesses tend to have flatter hierarchies. b. People worldwide enjoyed universally free and easy access to computers. c. Governments around the world granted full freedom of speech online. d. It provided ordinary people with easy access to knowledge.
5. Why did the antiabortion movement become increasingly confrontational and politically powerful in the 1980s? a. Fundamentalist Protestants had assumed leadership of the movement. b. The movement was taken over by labor unions. c. Illegal abortions were dramatically on the rise. d. Women were becoming demonstrably more callous with legal abortions.
6. In 1998, Congress enacted the Defense of Marriage Act, which had what effect? a. Banning divorce except in cases of adultery b. Offering states grants for marriage counseling programs c. Providing states with funding for maternity and paternity leave programs d. Allowing states to refuse to recognize gay marriages or civil unions
7. In the 1980s, radical Islamic fundamentalists in the Middle East built a movement based on fanatical opposition to a. Western imperialism and consumer culture. b. Christianity and Judaism. c. the increasing secularization of the United States. d. Americans' defense of Greece and Turkey against the Soviet Union.
8. What was the U.S. Congress hoping to achieve when it passed the USA PATRIOT Act in 2001? a. New civil liberties protections for American citizens b. New civil liberties protections for American-born Muslims c. Increased revenue to fund the war on terrorism domestically and internationally d. The suspension of certain civil liberties protections in the interests of national securit
9. What followed the Bush administration's March 2003 invasion of Iraq? a. The army found and dismantled Saddam Hussein's nuclear weapons. b. It demonstrated Saddam Hussein had connections to Osama bin Laden and the 9/11 attacks. c. Terrorists entered the chaotic country and launched assaults that killed thousands. d. He won support from European countries that had initially opposed the invasion.
10. What law passed during the Obama administration fulfilled a long-standing goal of Democrats? a. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act b. The Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act c. The Automobile Industry Recovery Act d. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Answer Key 1. The answer is c. 2. The answer is a. 3. The answer is b. 4. The answer is d. 5. The answer is a. 6. The answer is d. 7. The answer is a. 8. The answer is d. 9. The answer is c. 10. The answer is d.