You would never want to be in a terrorists attack trust me!!! Target Terrorism By: Gaurav parwal
Things that turn regular people into terrorists Have you ever wondered how people turn themselves around from good people to doing terrible things. Burning down buildings, throwing explosives, and laughing at things going horribly. People need to stop these things, if this keeps going on then one day there will be no world, everything will be blown up. People can stop this if the government makes less strict rules and gives people the chance to do good things and for them to live a good life. Right now is some places the government is making up to many useless rules. Terrorists are making other families feel like they did when they lost an family member. And this cycle will keep going on.
What if you were there during the attack Imagine you being somewhere while there was a terrorist who broke down your door and came into you home, shooting all over the house, just breaking, dishes, portraits and everything you have. Guns shooting everywhere. You can hear the sound of the bullets just repeating in your head. What do you do? You are panicked -- no where to go, and then they come in. You have no clue where your siblings are or parents are, and you are thinking that they are probably dead by now. Your are kneeling to the ground with a gun to your head, and you are pleading for them now to kill you. And then everything goes black. The last thing that you see before you fall is your own blood....
9/11 9/11 was a horrendous time for many, many Americans. People lost family members. Horrible things happened that day. The Islamic terrorists did a lot of damage to the city. Over three thousand people died that day, including about 400 firemen and police officers. Nineteen militants associated with the Islamic extremist group al-qaeda hijacked 4 airliners and carried out suicide attacks against targets in the United States. -2 Planes were flown into the towers of the world trade center in new York city. - The 3rd plane hit the Pentagon just outside Washington D.C - The 4th plane impacted in a field in pennsylvania Words to know - Horrendous -Extremely unpleasant, terrifying, or terrible.
9/11 Words of from As millions watched the events unfolding in new york, american airlines flight 77 circled over downtown washington D.C, and slammed into the west side of the Pentagon military headquarters at 9:45 am. Jet fuel from the boeing 757 caused a devastating inferno that led to the structural collapse of a portion of the giant concrete building. All told, 125 military personnel and civilians were killed in the pentagon along with all 64 people aboard. As you may be thinking that these people had a bad life that is completely wrong these people are just crazy and sometimes there is not another solution to craziness other than jail. So some things like this you can just not stop. Words to know- inferno -a large fire that is dangerously out of control
h This is a quote on the 9/11 and it was written by Billy Graham
Video of the 9/11 plane crashing
The atomic bomb drop In 1945 hundreds of thousands of people died that day it was not a great day for anybody in Japan. The bomb had dropped on August 6th 8:16 am. That day there were 90,000 building standing in the spot and after the bomb had dropped there were only 28,000 buildings remaining, that´s a drop of 62,000 buildings (That is a lot). The bomb was an american B-9 bomb and it was the world's first deployed atomic bomb over the Japanese city over Hiroshima. This is the plane that had flown past the city of hiroshima in 1945 and the atomic bomb was dropped out of this particular plane. The name of the plane that had dropped the atomic bomb was the Enola Gay
The atomic bomb dropping There are many other way to solve a war other than dropping an atomic bomb that spreads down generation and is killing the Japanese population. But in a way it was kind of necessary because if the war kept going on more lives would be sacrificed. Some people would say that this was not a terrorists attack but that is in their perspective because there are many people who do think that it was a terrorist attack. This is an image of the bomb that dropped in Japan this is only one of the atomic bomb that dropped but there are actually two that had dropped in Japan.
This is a quote on the atomic bomb dropping it was written by Wilfred Burchett and this shows that the atomic bomb was a bad thing that happened. If you do not understand it at first than read it a couple times and than think about it. This is quote on the atomic bomb that it was a good thing that they dropped it, it was written by Harry S. Truman
Video of the atomic bomb dropping hihihihihiffffffffuftrghj
Here is a graph of how many death, injuries and fatalities there have been worldwide, between 2000-2008
Ways Terrorism Impacts the Economy All that is happening is that terrorists are breaking down billions of dollars of worth things are getting destroyed. Some other things that are important that are getting demolished are transportation devices ,plants, machines and the thing that affects our population is humans and every time they die the population of the world goes down. Even if there are people who are nowhere near the place where the attack had happened people still might pack their bags and go to a place where it is much safer. (such as the other side of the world from where the attack had happened). Terrorist don't realize that by breaking down things that they are going to mess up the population and make countries uneven.
STOP IT NOW!!!!!!! Stop it now, things will go wrong and one day there will be no more world if you keep doing this. Too much gun violence give it a break go find something else to do that kill innocent people. Every second you think about it there is something in the world going on that you do not even want to think about. And so stop it now!!! If there is any way you know that can help that help don just sit back and whatch other people handle it, do it your slef!!