What makes you feel significant? The Interlude: What makes you feel significant? Text: Rev. 6:9-17
“Revelation forces the reader to realize what really matters, the earthly or the heavenly. God protects the vital part, the soul, but allows intense suffering in this world.” Grant Osborne, Revelation * See Romans 1
Sealing of 144,000 Four Angels and Four Winds = Complete coverage The Interlude: Sealing of 144,000 Four Angels and Four Winds = Complete coverage Angel Ascending = Restraint No Harm until Servants Sealed “Heard” the number… Four Angels, Four Corners, Four Winds Showing complete coverage of the earth, not earth is flat! Winds = destruction in apocalyptic visions Blow on Earth, Sea, Trees – clue to timing! 8:7,8 – judgments affect the earth & trees, sea This interlude is happening before God’s wrathful judgments are poured out Angel Ascending With rising sun = idiom for “from the East” – emphasizes kingdom blessings Allusion to protection With the seal of the Living God = like a signet ring Sign of ownership and thus protection Loud voice = angel with authority over other angels Other angels – “Who had been given” divine passive – God’s sovereignty No harm until Servants are sealed Winds not restricted from people, but creation. Speaks of God’s protection from His wrath, but not from persecutions Until – God’s timing Restraint = God’s sovereignty over timing. God’s people to be protected from the judgments “Heard” So far – John saw angels, now hears number. 144,000 = 12x12x1000 Included – Manasseh, Joseph Excluded – Dan – most likely due to idolatry (Judges 18) Number is the significance = vast multitude of completeness Most likely = represents all of believers, a vast, and complete group Church included with Jewish tribes has NT precedence Gal. 3:27,28; 6:16; Rom. 2:28,29; 1 Peter 2:9 Same group we see in 9-17
Great Multitude Great multitude = all of redeemed The Interlude: Great Multitude Great multitude = all of redeemed Surrounding Angels and host worship “Who are these” = Redeemed Picture of worship Great Multitude John – Looks and Beholds Not just heard, but sees! Similar to 5:5,6 – Hears lion, sees lamb – Lion is Lamb Sees what the 144,000 represents Every nation, every tribe = all of redeemed Standing = answer to 6:17! Clothed in White = purification/glorification Palm Branches – Triumphant entry picture “Salvation belongs to our God…” Salvation to uttermost Credit to God – not them Surrounding Angels and creatures Their worship is response of redemption – Luke 15:10; 1 Peter 1:12 Fell on their faces – prostrate position – show of reverence Amens – Preface and conclusion – in greek = not a blessing, but THE blessing Who are these? Rhetorical question – emphasis is explanation of a vision From the great tribulation – timing. Tribulation – most likely from the point of Christ’s ascension until 2nd Coming. John 16:33; Acts 14:22 Otherwise, it pictures only those saved in a 7 year period – doesn’t fit Worship Three parts: Presence and Service before God (v.15) Removal of all suffering (v.16,17) Actions of the Lamb on their behalf (v17) Most likely a forward vision picturing all of the redeemed
“When we stand before the great white throne with the living creatures, elders, and angels surrounding it and see all the angels of heaven rejoicing with us and praising God for what he has done for us, it will be a scene beyond anything we can imagine. How can anyone read this passage without a sense of worship and overwhelming awe? How can any Christian meditate on it without reaffirming his or her commitment to put the Lord first in everything? Can any earthly achievement begin to compare with this scene? Those who sacrifice everything and compromise their ethics to walk corridors of power in Washington or in corporate headquarters around the world need to look at this passage again. Is it worth it to gain the whole world and lose your own soul” Grant Osborne, Revelation
Significance comes through God’s seal; Significant Savior, Significant Salvation. Takeaway Thought.
Romans 8:31-39 Takeaway Thought.