A Jury Of Her Peers Anticipation Guide
Bell Work Based on the title (A Jury Of Her Peers), what do you think this story is going to be about? Please get an extra piece of paper out for notes.
Susan Glaspell Date of Birth: July 1, 1876 Place of Birth: Davenport, Iowa Date of Death: July 27, 1948 Famous writer and feminist
Susan Glaspell Was a journalist first Left profession to become a writer Covered case that lead to story Became popular again in 1970s
A Jury of Her Peers Written in 1917 Based on real case the 1900 murder of John Hossack. In the historical case, the convicted woman murdered her husband with an ax, not a noose, while he slept.
Characters George Henderson – County Attorney (DA) Henry Peters – The sheriff Lewis Hale – A middle-aged local farmer who discovered the murder
Characters Mrs. Peters – The sheriff’s wife Martha Hale – The wife of Mr. Hale and friend of Minnie John Wright – The murdered man, and husband of Minnie Wright
Characters Minnie Wright – The woman accused of killing her husband by strangling him in his sleep
Major Themes THE SUBJUGATION OF WOMEN Women in this story are 2nd class citizens and have limited opportunities and power. Pay attention to how the men treat the women and their duties
Major Themes THE OPPRESSION OF WOMEN The men dismiss the women’s responsibilities as ‘trifles’ In 1917 only men sat on a jury Compare that to the title Who are Minnie’s peers?
LEGAL OBLIGATIONS VS. GENDER LOYALTY Major Themes LEGAL OBLIGATIONS VS. GENDER LOYALTY Mrs. Peters and Martha Hale are caught between loyalty to Minnie and their duty to uphold the law
Major Themes CRIME AND PUNISHMENT Story is a murder mystery Different kinds of justice Pay attention to the clues in the story!
Things To Look For Repetition – anything that gets mentioned more than once Anything that is half finished Anytime the men insult the women
Reading The Story Take turns reading out loud Eligible to get a homework pass 5 quality annotations/page Answer questions in packet on binder paper. Please number them to match story
TOTD Which theme are you the most interested in reading about and why? Oppression of women Gender loyalty vs. legal obligation Crime and Justice