Town of Broadway Fiscal Year 2018 Budget May 2, 2017
Revenues Overview % Change from Previous Year General Fund $1,868,100 5.35% Water Fund $634,500 4.10% Sewer Fund $3,455,200 -48.33%
Wastewater Plant Upgrade
General Fund Highlights Revenue Real estate rate remains unchanged at $.07. Sales tax continues to steadily rise each year. This is anticipated to continue with the new Wal-Mart and commercial development in the County. Personal Property revenue remain steady. No increases in any tax or fee.
General Fund Revenues
General Fund Highlights Expenditures Street Maintenance continues to account for a significant portion of fund. Springbrook Road improvements planned. No additional employees planned. Baseball field lights.
General Fund Expenditures
Water Fund Revenue No proposed increase as of July 1. Reevaluate following financial analysis from Davenport.
Water Fund Revenues
Water Fund Expenditures Overall operating expenses decreasing by 22.6%, primarily due to reallocation of PW salaries. Decrease water consumption from co-op. Continue implementation of new touch read water meters. Minor capital improvements at water plant. No debt.
Sewer Fund Revenues No user fee increases to Broadway residents. Negotiated increases for larger customers as of July 1. Large decrease in revenue due to construction being completed at the wastewater plant.
Sewer Fund Revenues
Sewer Fund Expenditures Construction will be complete prior to July 1. Significant on-going expenses include: utilities, sludge removal, chemicals and debt service. Misc. line work and new truck for plant.
Summary FISCAL YEAR 2018 BUDGET FY 2018 Revenue: Proposed General Fund $ 1,868,100 Water Fund $ 634,500 Sewer Fund $ 3,455,200 Total Revenue $5,957,800 Expenditures: General Fund: General/Administrative $ 544,800 Public Safety $ 428,000 Highways & Streets $ 488,000 Parks & Recreation $ 187,800 Sanitation $ 191,000 Debt Service $ 28,500 Enterprise Funds: Total Expenditures