Tips to help your middle schooler prepare for Semester exams MS Parent Workshop 11 January 2016 LizNoel Duncan, M.Ed., LCSW
LizNoel Duncan, M.Ed., LCSW What is a semester exam? Takes place at the end of each semester It helps measure what a student has learned over the semester For middle school students, it helps them prepare for high school and university exams Middle school semester exams help students practice taking longer, written exams before high school. PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT! LizNoel Duncan, M.Ed., LCSW
What will be covered on the semester exam? Semester exams are CUMULATIVE. They cover information for the entire semester. Since there are 2 semesters in a school year, there are 2 semester exams each year. LizNoel Duncan, M.Ed., LCSW
Which courses require a semester exam? All courses require a semester exam Core courses will have 90-minute exams during the last week of the semester Core courses are: English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Arabic Elective courses & PE will have semester exams the last week of classes during their regular class times 6th & 7th grade electives are for 1 quarter each (1/2 semester), so their elective exams only cover Term 2. The exam will count as part of your child’s Term 2 grade ONLY. LizNoel Duncan, M.Ed., LCSW
What is a semester grade and why is it important? Semester Grade = Term 1 + Term 2 + Semester Exam Grade Semester grades are used to calculate final grades for the year, and to calculate the G.P.A. (Grade Point Average). GPA is used in middle school to help determine eligibility to apply for National Junior Honor Society, as well as help students understand GPA before high school (when GPAs really matter for university) LizNoel Duncan, M.Ed., LCSW
How can I help my child prepare for semester exam? Encourage good study skills all year long Have a designated study area Turn off the tv, mobile phones, social media, other distractions Have a regular schedule for study and homework, that includes short breaks Don’t wait until the last minute to study or do all your assignments Help your child organize their study time and homework projects Use the calendar on the Portal to check for upcoming due dates (but there might be more) Create a family calendar that includes upcoming assignments, exams, quizzes, etc. LizNoel Duncan, M.Ed., LCSW
How can I help my child prepare for semester exam? (cont.) Studying is more than just doing homework assignments Take notes as he/she is reading a chapter Learn to skim materials to find the important key words Learn to study tables and charts Learn to summarize that he/she has read in his/her OWN words Learn to make his/her own flashcards to quick review Hand-writing notes helps a student remember what they learned in class. Some students find rewriting their notes helpful, but some do not. Only encourage rewriting notes if it is helpful. LizNoel Duncan, M.Ed., LCSW
Should parents help with homework? That depends YES: if it is productive, like calling or spelling works or checking math homework NO: if it is something he/she can clearly handle themselves and learn from the process Make positive comments; don’t get in power struggles over homework LizNoel Duncan, M.Ed., LCSW
Help your child feel confident & ready Get a good night’s sleep. Don’t pull an all-nighter studying. Tweens & teenagers need at least 8 hours of sleep EVERY night. Eat a healthy, balanced breakfast, lunch & dinner (every day, but especially the morning of an exam). DON’T SKIP BREAKFAST. Help your child get to school on time. Suggest that they show up early for the exam. DON’T BE LATE! Go to the toilet before the exam. Students won’t be allowed to leave during the exam, and they shouldn’t be distracted during the exam. LizNoel Duncan, M.Ed., LCSW
How does sleep affect success at school? If a student doesn’t get enough sleep, they can have Attention problems Reduced cognitive function Dulled memory Hyperactive behavior (especially in younger kids) Emotional outburst Attendance issues—sleep deprivation can weaken the immune system causing more illness LizNoel Duncan, M.Ed., LCSW
LizNoel Duncan, M.Ed., LCSW The 3 R’s of Test taking RELAX! Don’t RUSH! REVIEW your answers LizNoel Duncan, M.Ed., LCSW