Health Education & Wellness


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Presentation transcript:

Health Education & Wellness North Central College Jr/SR Scholars Training

You can’t educate a child who isn’t healthy, And you can’t keep a child healthy who isn’t educated -Joycelyn Elders, former Surgeon General

Think about This . . . What is the goal of health education?

Teaching the Dimensions of Wellness Summarize here how we have the 10 content areas and 4 life skills, but the expansion of health and wellness beyond physical is also a strong presence in teaching health education.

SPECIES Social P Emotional C Intellectual E Spiritual Part of figuring out how health goes beyond physical is having students evaluate their own dimensions - have students do self-assessment, include graphing with crayons.


Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) Questionnaire & Scoring

Ecological Model Addresses interrelationship between individual and environment Do Spectrum of Risk Behavior Activity if time Plug in ACES Presentation Now

Purposes of the YRBSS Centers for Disease Control & Prevention Focus the nation on behaviors among youth causing the most important health problems Assess how risk behaviors change over time Provide comparable data Centers for Disease Control & Prevention Y

Create Awareness Among: Legislators, boards of education, and school administrators Parents Community members School staff Students Media

CDC 6 Risk Behaviors

What is Healthy People? National Health Objectives for the Decade Collaborative Process Designed to Over Time A public health document that is part strategic plan, part textbook on public health priorities

overarching goals topic areas specific objectives Healthy People 2020

The Goals for Education include Wellness & Academic Success Raise Academic Performance Improve Children’s Well Being and

School Wide and Classroom Health Education in schools connects wellness & academics Improved Academic Performance by Increasing Well Being

Health Literacy Building Health Literacy is of health education. "Health Literacy is the capacity of individuals to obtain, interpret, and understand basic health information and services and the competence to use such information and services in ways which enhance health.” Building Health Literacy is of health education.

Healthy People 2020 Reading skills – “read meaningful language, read anything with independence, comprehension and fluency and mental interaction with the message” Adolescent Health Objective 5.3 is design to increase the proportion of students who reading skills are at or above the proficient level for their grade. of 8th graders of 12th graders Introduce SMOG and practice in class calculations with 2 different brochures

Action Steps Through Teach-backs Asking students to repeat what they need to know or do, in a non-shaming way. NOT a test for the student, but of how well explained a concept. A chance to check for understanding and, if necessary, the information.

Teach-back – Additional Points Do not ask yes/no questions like: “Do you understand?” “Do you have any questions?” For more than one concept: “Chunk and Check” Teach the 2-3 main points for the first concept & check for understanding using teach-back… Then go to the next concept

Comprehensive School Health Education (CSHE) The Foundation Materials – Personal & Social Skills Handout Copies, Misuk book on Stress Management, Goal Game samples – materials to print on – go through slow, go, and whoa- to teach how to connect to content

Universal Life Skills Health Skill – an ability to do something to maintain or improve an individual’s health or the health of others

Healthy People Objective EMC 4.4 Increase the proportion of required health education classes or courses with a teacher who has had professional development related to teaching personal and social skills for behavior change within the past 2 years. T. Wynard Target: 57.8% Baseline: 52.5%

Skills – Generic Communication Generic Goal Setting Apply to any area of health education – reinforced in different content areas Communication Goal Setting

Skills – Content Specific Reading a food label Practicing time management Finding target heart rate Practicing self exams Communicating with a doctor Using music to relax Using a condom Resisting peer pressure How to communicate in an argument with a partner How to refuse a drug if pressured to use

Setting the Stage for Skill Development Create and Maintain a safe, supportive environment Provide accurate Present the rational and the context for using the skill Use a variety of Practice Give Feedback – Assess See Fetro Text – walk through book with students

Goal Setting: Goal! Game Examples T. Wynard

Goal Setting: Goal Game You must name your game. Your game must have a start and a finish. You must have one goal. You must have two obstacles (red lights) that will make it difficult for you to reach your goal. You must have two helpful (green lights) things that will make reaching your goal easier. You must write out directions for your game. Game must have color and BE CREATIVE!

Comprehensive School Health Education Learning Essential Skills for Life through . . . Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs Consumer and Community Health Injury Prevention and Safety Mental and Emotional Health Growth and Development Personal Health and Physical Activity

Tammy Wynard, North Central College Puzzle Vision Connection to Lesson, Unit, and Curriculum Development 2016 DuPage County Health & PE Institute Day

8 Health Education National Standards Students will . . . Comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention Analyze the influence of culture, media, and other health factors Demonstrate the ability to access information, products, and services to enhance health Demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health

8 Health Education National Standards (cont’d) Students will . . . Demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills that enhance health Demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health Demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks Demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health

Illinois State Health Education Standards STATE GOAL 22: Understand principles of health promotion and the prevention and treatment of illness and injury. STATE GOAL 23. Understand human body systems and factors that influence growth and development. STATE GOAL 24: Promote and enhance health and well-being through the use of effective communication and decision- making skills.

Illinois State Social Emotional Learning Standards SEL Goal 1 - Develop self-awareness and self-management skills to achieve school and life success.    SEL Goal 2 - Use social-awareness and interpersonal skills to establish and maintain positive relationships. SEL Goal 3 - Demonstrate decision-making skills and responsible behaviors in personal, school, and community contexts.

Unit Planning Starting at the end

Wiggins & McTighe Understanding by Design

Using the Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (HECAT)

How can I access it? Organization of the HECAT How can I access it?

How can teachers help students adopt and maintain healthy behaviors? Use Health Behavior Outcomes, identified in the HECAT, as the starting point for creating a plan. Using the knowledge and skills expectations in the HECAT to guide the development and revisions of plans.