Schematic demonstrating placement of transfascial sutures lateral to the rectus muscle securing the mesh in place (Stoppa repair). (A) Upper abdominal.


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Presentation transcript:

Schematic demonstrating placement of transfascial sutures lateral to the rectus muscle securing the mesh in place (Stoppa repair). (A) Upper abdominal hernia repair: slit in mesh on either side of linea alba. (B) High upper abdominal hernia repair: mesh extends over lower rib cage. (C) Lower abdominal hernia repair: inferior mesh deep into retropubic space. (D) Infraumbilical incisional hernia repair: similar to Stoppa repair (GPRVS). (Adapted with permission from: Wantz GE. Atlas of Hernia Surgery. New York, NY: Raven Press; 1991.) Source: Bioprosthetic and Prosthetic Materials in Abdominal Wall Reconstruction and Hernia Repair, Radical and Reconstructive Gynecologic Cancer Surgery Citation: Bristow RE, Chi DS. Radical and Reconstructive Gynecologic Cancer Surgery; 2015 Available at: Accessed: October 26, 2017 Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved