Hidden rules of poverty for 100. If you are born into poverty, you better start reading A- True B- False True – An education is the key to getting out, and staying out, of poverty One of the most significant predictors of poverty is education. Level of education linked to poverty. 20% of mothers in poverty are learning disabled. 17% suffer from some severe disability – mental, physical, or both.
Hidden rules of poverty for 200 The family structure in poverty tends to be A. patriarchal (headed by the father) B. matriarchal (headed by the mother) C. depends on who has the money Children are more likely to be poor than any other subgroup (adults often aided by gov’t programs that can pull them out of poverty) Clear connection between the poverty of the parents and its effect on the children B - matriarchal
Hidden rules of poverty for 300. When a child has not had access to appropriate role models, which of these is NOT a way to provide emotional support for that child: A – Establishing long-term relationships by mentoring through a charismatic adult B- Teaching goal setting C- The “Do as I say, not as I do” approach D. Role modeling provided by teachers, administrators, and staff Respect is given to individuals who are perceived as powerful (meaning the potential to inflict physical or psychological harm). Respect is not based on following school rules or having a position of authority C
Hidden rules of poverty for 400 What is the driving force for people living in poverty? A- financial, political, and social connections B- survival, relationships, and entertainment C- work and achievement People who live in poverty just try to get by. In order to aid the survival of the family unit, adolescents are often placed in adult-like roles at a very young age. Relationships are often a sign of success. Entertainment and living in the moment are tantamount to feeling successful. B
Hidden rules of poverty for 500 Which socio-economic class believes that destiny is controlled by good choices we make now? A- poverty B- middle class C- wealthy B People in poverty believe in fate. There is not much that can be done to mitigate chance. The wealthy believe they have an obligation to share with those less fortunate (Noblesse oblige) In school kids account for their success as a matter of luck, social connections, or innate abilities. It is rarely attributed to effort or an internal locus of control. It’s all external. This is VERY different from the middle class view.
Hidden rules of poverty for 600 All of the behaviors listed below can be considered “behaviors related to poverty” except for one. Which one? Laughing while disciplined Making inappropriate or vulgar comments Physical fighting Following directions D A saves face B shows reliance on the casual register of language C shows a “real man” behavior Normally, kids from poverty live in constant disorganization. They rarely receive directions. But if they are, they are not given clear directions as a rule so they have not developed the skill of following directions.
The cycle of poverty for 100 In generational poverty (when the family has lived in poverty for at least two generations), which of these is NOT one of the primary roles of a “real man”: Be a provider Physically work hard Be a fighter Be a lover Very difficult for middle class to understand This is why men often leave their families – it is not their obligation to provide for them A – Being a provider is a middle class value
The cycle of poverty for 200 Which of these is NOT a characteristic of generational poverty? A job is about making enough money to survive and is rarely about finding the ultimate “career” No matter what else is happening, the TV set is ON Discipline involves punishment. The purpose of this punishment is to help children CHANGE their behaviors D. Most of what occurs in their lives is reactive and “in the moment.” Little thought is given to planning ahead. Typical pattern of discipline is to verbally chastise or physically beat. Then forgive and feed. Food = love A sign of the upper class is silence. The farther down on goes socially, the more likely the TV will be on . At school, the purpose of discipline should be to promote successful behaviors at school. Structure and choice are important for discipline Use discipline as a form of instruction C- the purpose is about penance and forgiveness, not change
The cycle of poverty for 300 Most people who live in poverty do not believe they are poor, even when they are on welfare. A- True B- False The deal is that the will never get ahead. So, when they do have money, it is shared or immediately spent (think about the horse races). Poverty is more than just not having money A- Although this is a generalization, often they do not believe they are “poor” and can be offended if they are referred to as such. There is a similar mindset among the most wealthy.