It Takes a Village: Collaboration that Empowers Mary Warner, Professor of English & Director of English Education San José State University Teaching Writing in the Era of the CCS: Collaboration is Key NCTE Boston 2013
Collaborations Describe a recent collaboration – if possible one that is connected to your teaching What worked well? Why was the collaboration helpful for you?
Questions for you as a teacher of Writing Where do you go for help with teaching writing? What are your greatest challenges in teaching writing?
My most recent collaborations: “Voices from the Field: Writing Project Teachers Discuss Writing in the Common Core Curriculum” A Webinar as part of Pearson’s “College and Career Readiness - -ELA” September 25, 2013 &DCSext.w_psvaniturl=http%3A//
Towards a writing pedagogy that focuses not on limits, but on possibilities…
Why might students wish to engage in the performative activity of writing? Why might they wish to engage not only with dogged persistence but with genuine passion?
National Writing Project Radio interview, September 12, 2013 writing-in-an-assessment-era-passion-and-practice
The Product of Collaboration
Teaching Writing Grades 7-12 in an Era of Assessment: Passion and Practice In this unique book, middle and high school teachers share their best practice and samples of student writing that confirms the value of their pedagogy. In addition they present detailed, specific pedagogy appropriate for middle and high school students. The book also addresses a wide range of students, including English Language Learners and reluctant writers and readers. The teacher/writers demonstrate authentic and comprehensive pedagogy and incorporate the Common Core State Standards. See more at: Grades-712-in-an-Era-of-Assessment-Passion-and- Practice/
Chapter 2: Promoting the Passion: Teachers as Writers, Teachers as Collaborators My journey as a teacher of writing and a teacher educator Key ideas for teachers of writing Hang Together Write Your Best Practice Find a Mentor/Be a Mentor Collaborate/Be a Collaborator – Form Partnerships Search Out Professional Communities that Challenge and Support
The Take-Away: “What you can use in class on Monday” Believe in yourself and your colleagues We are stronger and better collectively The best teachers of writing are teachers of writing
Contact information Email: Webpage: Facebook page for Teaching Writing Grades 7-12 in an Era of Assessment: Passion and Practice --