Mission Developer Training Conference


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Presentation transcript:

Mission Developer Training Conference Reflections on the First Six Months

Mission Development What is going to be developed? Why new church development? What will this look like? How will this happen?

Three Great Listenings Listening to God Listening to the Community Listening to One Another

Listening to God Three Biblical Texts “Go from your country…so that you will be a blessing.” Genesis 12.1-2 “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news.” Mark 1.15 “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. By faith….” Hebrews 11.1ff

Listening to Community Context What’s going on here? Who is in the know? How does this shape ministry development? (Example: Worship-day, hour, style)

Listening to One Another What is your story? What is your experience? Intergenerational Cross-cultural

Your First Six Months Join another ministry to share your initial experience with listening to God, listening to your ministry context, and listening to one another.