Questionnaire Design in Statistics Denmark Pia Thomsen Sigge Stenild Forms design team
Web forms – design and functionality Demonstration of InfoPath program Agenda From paper to web Web forms – design and functionality Demonstration of InfoPath program Respondent evaluation
Web vs. Paper forms: Advantages Costs Dissemination and data collection: less paper, printing, postage Can be sent several times, to many respondents Includes all reminders Data Quick data collection directly to database Dynamic error correction during data entry Burden reduction Copy > Paste data from digital sources Auto calculation, carry-over, search functions Auto validation – reduction in re-contact to respondent Auto-routing, skip irrelevant questions
Web vs. Paper forms: Challenges Costs Development, changes, maintenance, test Access Needs PC and internet Log-in, security, technical problems (breakdown) Implementation IT capacity – internal and external IT qualifications Browser and other set-up Understanding the tasks Readability, amount of text Overview, screen size Orientation, navigation, design of routing
From paper to web Web as a supplement to paper Paper form on the screen Web as the primary method Dynamic form with a PDF draft Adaption of text to web Shorten, structure, break up instructions into small portions Show/hide supplementary questions, instructions
Web forms – design and functionality Routing: Filter questions Selection Help functions: Automatic calculation Search function Hyperlinks Instructions Prefill
Web forms – design and functionality Routing: Filter questions Selection Help functions: Automatic calculation Search function Hyperlinks Instructions Prefill
Web forms – Error correction Types of validation: Soft, semi-soft, hard Support texts Carry-over of figures Automatic calculation Searching Dynamic lists Cross-validation
Web forms – Error correction Types of validation: Soft, semi-soft, hard Support texts Carry-over of figures Automatic calculation Searching Dynamic lists Cross-validation
InfoPath program Microsoft Office InfoPath is a software application for designing, distributing, filling and submitting electronic forms containing structured data XML data structure separate from formatting Design area with various controls (dropdowns, text boxes, etc.) are bound to data fields represented separately as a hierarchical tree view of folders and data fields