Setting the Pace for Commitment Adding Value to Membership Hello and thank you for your time today. My name is [name] from [agency] and I’d like to speak with you for a few minutes today about a terrific program that can work to truly enhance the value of your membership. Before I jump in and tell you more about this program, I’d like to take a minute to make sure I understand your organization and your role. Pub4455BL-PPT (10/16) 2016-29357 (Exp. 10/18)
[Association] At-A-Glance Serves [member occupations] in [chapter geographic location] Mission is to [customize from website or Association Member card] [#] chapter members Current offerings include: [offering] Producer to fill in variables on slide BEFORE presenting to Association. Delete slide if unable to customize with information you learned about the association you are presenting to. Looking at your association…..
What’s Important to You Ability to: Attract new members Retain existing members Provide value and meaning to each membership Add no cost to Association “value-adds” when it makes sense Keep membership dues to a minimum while meeting organizational objectives What’s important to association groups? Ability to attract new members Ability to retain existing members Provide value and meaning to each membership Add no cost to Association “value-adds” when it makes sense Keeping membership dues to a minimum while meeting the objective of the group
What’s Important to Your Members Protecting their ability to make a living Maintaining “financial” lifestyle Cars, main residence, secondary residence, college & retirement savings, etc… Making sure they can obtain the highest level of income replacement in the event of a disability What’s important to your members? Protecting their ability to make a living Help maintain “financial” lifestyle Cars, Main residence, Secondary residence, college & retirement savings, etc… Objective for each individual should be to help maintain the highest level of income protection possible in the event of a disability
Add Strength to Strategy Individual disability insurance (DI) can help protect your members’ income – especially your most highly compensated members! DI can sit on top of other plans to create maximum income protection Concerns with other plans include: Benefit “caps” Unprotected income: Bonus and commissions are generally not covered Does not help protect retirement contributions Our Association Discount Program is the opportunity for you to add MORE value and more strength to any income protection strategy. Individual disability insurance can help protect your members’ income – especially your most highly compensated members! Should any of your members have another plan in place a supplemental individual disability insurance plan may be able to sit on top of other plans to create maximum income protection. Concerns that are often associated with other plans: Benefit “caps” might leave your most highly compensated members at risk Bonuses and commissions generally are not covered Does not help protect retirement contributions
Members Win Valuable new offering exclusively for members of association Permanent 10% Discount for Members Our disability insurance products: Help protect more kinds of income: Salary, Bonus Compensation and Retirement Contributions* Has some of the highest income replacement ratios in the industry Premier, industry-leading products No cost implementation – helps keep membership dues down Each member can gain access to a full-service agency Plus, with our association discount program, everyone wins. Member win because they recognize your commitment to them and the enhanced value of membership. They have access to premier products at a discount – individual disability protection and business overhead expense. Our industry-leading products disability insurance products: Help protect more kinds of income: Salary, Bonus Compensation and Retirement Contributions Has some of the highest income replacement ratios in the industry Our No Cost Implementation – helps keeps membership dues down Each member can gain access to a full-service agency that can provide personalized, one-on-one support *Retirement Protection Plus is not a pension plan or a substitute for one.
You Win Message you’re sending to members is strong… You are always seeking to add value to its membership. Better able to retain and recruit members You get the credit! Multi-faceted communication strategy built to ensure maximum participation (maximum member value!) Marketing literature customized with your Association name and logo constantly working to reinforce your commitment Announcement of program is a personal message from Association leadership You win The message your sending to members is strong… [Association] is always seeking to add value to its membership. Better able to retain and recruit members You get the credit! Multi-faceted communication strategy built to ensure maximum participation (maximum member value!) Marketing literature customized with Association name and logo – constantly working to reinforce your commitment Announcement of program is a personal message from Association leadership
In Summary We Provide 10% permanent discount Relevant and industry-leading disability income protection products Opportunity to strengthen your commitment to your members Educational opportunities for insurance and other financial matters Valuable income protection offered to members at no cost to the Association In summary – We Provide 10% permanent discount Relevant and industry-leading disability income protection products Program works to strengthen your commitment to your members Educational opportunities for insurance and other financial matters Valuable income protection offered to members at no cost to the Association And we’re dedicated to your success
Your Success To Implement We Require: Opportunities to participate in events and possibly speak to the group Access to Membership Endorsed sponsorship of this program and it’s discount It’s important that I have access to the members. Our program is about face-to-face relationships. I want to understand your members so I can do what’s in my power to help provide the best income protection strategy I can offer.
Next Steps Have your association approved for discount Information needed to complete this step: Copies of current: Membership Roster By-Laws and/or Constitution Review Association’s calendar of events to build a successful Marketing Communication Strategy Implement If you’ve liked what you’ve heard here today, next steps would be to have the association approved for discount Information needed to complete this step: Copy of Current Membership Roster Copy of Current By-Laws and/or Constitution Review Association’s calendar of events to build a successful Marketing Communication Strategy Implement
Thank you. I want to thank you for your time today. I hope we can pursue this opportunity further. Individual disability income products underwritten and issued by Berkshire Life Insurance Company of America, Pittsfield, MA, a wholly owned stock subsidiary of and administrator for The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America, New York, NY. Products provisions and features may vary by state. 10% association discount available on policy forms 18ID, 1400, and 4200. This publication is provided for informational purposes only and should not be considered tax or legal advice. You should consult with your tax, legal, or accounting professional regarding your individual situation.