Community Based Service Delivery Model Lasha Goguadze ART 2016, Jakarta
HIV at Glance, Global (2015) 36.7 millions are living with HIV While 2.1 millions become newly infected 1.1 million died from HIV related diseases 5700 new infection registered a day Approximately, 17 Millions of HIV+ are on treatment
HIV at Glance, A/P (2015) 6.1 millions are living with HIV While 300 000 become newly infected 180 000 million died from HIV related diseases Approximately, 2,1 Millions of HIV+ are on treatment (41%)
Global Targets In order to speed up the HIV response and end HIV by 2030, the International Community led by UNAIDS adopted a new set of targets (Fast-Track Strategy, 2013) 90 % of all people living with HIV and Aids will know their HIV status. 90 % of all people diagnosed HIV infection will receive sustained ARV treatment. 90 % of all people receiving ART will have viral suppressed This is the New Global Challenge regarding HIV, that brings the Vision of the Fight
Zero Discrimination Zero Discrimination By 2020 By 2030 90-90-90 95-95-95 Treatment treatment 500 000 200 000 New HIV infections in adults New HIV infections in adult Zero Discrimination Zero Discrimination
90-90-90 90 53.6 41 32 Gap to reach the 90-90-90 31.5 million Diagnosed ARV Viral suppression 53.6 41 32
Red Cross Red Crescent: Goal and Approach Operational Goal: Improving access to HIV prevention, Testing, Treatment, Care and Support Technical Approach: The Community-Based Service Delivery Model (CBSM)
COMMUNITY EXPERTISE Sound Knowledge of the social and cultural environment Social mobilization Demand creation Health/HIV Aids and SR Services promotion Referral and Counter Referral Psychosocial support Treatment literacy Treatment Adherence Services
Red Cross Red Crescent Statements at Global HIV Forums
“We must not waver in our pursuit of the most vulnerable, including groups that are highly stigmatized and can fall too easily out of view. Men who have sex with men, injecting drug users, commercial sex workers: we cannot forget the commitments we have made to them, and the necessity of delivering on these commitments” IFRC intervention UN GA on HIV, 2016, NY
One of the dangerous reality in HIV - a gaps between under-resourced and under-performing health systems, and communities isolated and marginalized because of poverty, distrust and other facts. A community-centred approach can help bridge those gaps, and prepare communities HIV High Level Meeting Addis Ababa,2016
“The offer of HIV screening must be brought out of the hospitals, clinics and formal centres and onto the streets,” need to effectively “identify, reach, test and treat” key population who might be reluctant to approach the official health care system because of the stigma and discrimination associated with the disease” IFRC intervention, HIV Regional Conference, Moscow,2016
Different ways to engage key population in our work at every level What do we mean with key populations that are at risk and neglected from HIV in Red Cross Red Crescent life Different ways to engage key population in our work at every level Discussion