Proteins Made up of amino acids - “building blocks of proteins” Plants & animals Need to be broken down into amino acids before our body can use them Made into proteins to be used Converted to energy Stored as fat
Why Do We Need Protein? Proteins are essential in order for our body to function correctly. Enzymes Transportation & Storage Cell & Tissue Growth Mechanical Support Coordination & Motion Immune Protection Nerve Generation & Impulses Fluid Balances Read handout describing in more detail what each of these actually mean.
Amino Acids Non-essential amino acids – ones that can be produced in our body (12) Essential amino acids – ones that are required in the diet but body cannot make – need to get from foods we eat (8)
Essential Amino Acids (8) Phenylalaline Tryptophan Valine Leucine Isoleucine Lysine Methionine Arginine
Functions of Proteins in Foods Three major functions Color Texture Flavor Influenced by whipping, beating, adding ingredients or heating