Power point on Endangered/threatened species Counts as 1 test grades You will make an 8-11 slide power point demonstration on an endangered/threatened species assigned to you Font can’t be smaller than 28 or larger than 32 Your presentation must include all of the following information: 1. General characteristics and description of the animal 2. Pictures of the animal 3. Description of where this animal is found (location/habitat description/environment they prefer) 4. What foods they eat and how they are adapted to get it? 5. Why have they become endangered/threatened? 6. What steps are being taken increase their survival rate? 7. Other interesting information 8. Must have custom animations
Grading Following instructions Content (information you provided) Organization and appearance of presentation Spelling/grammar Due date: September 30, 2010 by 2:45 (Must be on the shared drive in the Osborn folder for your class period no later than this date)